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56 / 180
Mar 2016

Sorry if you thought I was rude it was not the goal, excuez me.
I just find that a lot of creation are much better than Vader flowalistik.
After I did not do my sword for this competition it is true, but I finished it just when the competition started.
Now I find that the competition is not fair, it would take an impartial jury in a vote for more and more like

Guys please read the contest rules! It says DESIGN and print not download other peoples designs. People who have just printed someone else’s work do not really fit the contest requirements.

I understand you, and feel free to call my designs ugly, because I will probably agree with you. Your design is really detailed, and if you put side by side your design and mine everyone would prefer the lightsaber. As users are the ones who decide who has more or less votes, there are other things we should consider:

I’ve been designing low-poly models for more than a year, and my models are really easy to print as my priority was to make all the printing (and post-processing) as easy and smooth as possible. If we asked a group of 100 people with a 3D printer how many would make your lightsaber, maybe 5/100 would have the tools, time, passion for SW and money to make yours (being so detailed and using so many components reduces a lot the number of people who would make it). With my model, which can be certainly ugly, 100/100 people would be able to print it in 2 hours and with no extra material. I believe that can be the reason why my ugly Darth Vader is popular, and it’s because it’s so easy that everyone can make it.

I see your lightsaber design as a collector item and my Darth Vader as a Happy Meal toy.