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Mar 2017

Much as it is going to KILL ME in this discussion to take 3dhubs side on this, they also have an investment in every order. They build and maintain the software, and every process that happens on AWS costs them processing costs.

Additionally, look at it this way. Before you got that order, 3dhubs had to pay support costs, development costs, advertising costs, electric, rent, interest, etc. Then, they had to repeat some of those costs to deal with a customer for the refund, and they take a hit with their processor or paypal. So to say they literally have 0 time and 0 effort is wrong.

Also, if the print is bad, and should have been good, they have an opportunity cost. That is, they lost their commission on that sale, lost future prints from that customers, and any customers who may have been referred by that customer.

Which is why I did not object at the time to any guidelines that HONESTLY AND CORRECTLY inform the customer of downsides, because every customer costs them money, and every unhappy customer or refund costs them money.

However, many hubs objected and made GREAT SUGGESTIONS, and they just ignored those vendors. WE have been unable to get them to listen to their hubs. THIS is the BS part. They just went ahead an implemented. It turns out, this was a hidden agenda on their part to denigrate FDM.

THEN they added the “let me help you choose materials” at the start, “Maybe you should consider a different HQ vendor” just before OUR customer finishes the order, and finally denigrated the description of what we do, by calling it “prototyping”. They did this in secret.

Hi again all, as this thread becomes bigger and hard for me to reply on each comment, I’d like to suggest to jump on a call next week to discuss the matter and work towards some next actions together.

Please let me know if you’re available on:

  • Tuesday, March 21, 12h New York time (GMT-4)

I’ll add you to the invite once you’re availability is confirmed.

@cobnut @Perry_1 @Steelmans @Enza3D @PepCo_Parker @Zapaer

Please let me know!

Thanks again,


You make an excellent point that I had missed. This wording is incorrect. My FDM printers can actually guarantee much better.

It really should say 3dhubs can only guarantee a certain tolerance. What it really should say is something positive, like “3dhubs guarantees a maximum tolerance of +/- etc.” which is much more positive.

I think you understand the wording just fine, but probably not the reasoning. 3dhubs is trying to move customers from FDM hubs to higher margin printers. They made several changes to the site to do this, including the tolerances wording, a “let me help you choose a material” when a customer arrives, a “let me recommend a higher quality print” when the customer goes to complete the order, and labeling FDM printing as prototype quality with prototype material. This was done in secret, without asking us about it, warning us, or getting feedback prior to the print. They are doing this even to repeat customers. Their history on this, and their response in this thread would indicate that this is going to be the policy, regardless of what we say.

I agree that this wording is totally wrong. It’s both misleading and just flat out false. That’s not the highest quality FDM machines can guarantee, it’s what 3D Hubs is guaranteeing. I’m really starting to dislike this relationship of words being put into our mouths.

I like the automated messages system, but I don’t like that we still don’t have an option to change or set exactly what we want the messages to say. (Referring to the automated messages that post when a new order is requested). That’s just another example of tools that I think we should have at our disposal, but despite that being brought up several months ago (Right when that feature, another thing left unspoken between hubs, came promptly out).

This was caught by a hub, where a customer from the their personal website pushed the order to 3d hubs, the customer was shown the tolerances warning, and then they showed the customer how they could get a better print in SLS and SLA from another hub. Because this was unconscionable, once this came to light, 3dhubs removed it.
However, I asked if this was also removed when a repeat customer, who we have earned the right to keep, comes to the hub. This has not been answered.
DONT LEAVE. POST YOUR POSITION, perhaps with something more descriptive or even stronger than “thats not cool at all”! It is important to be heard.
What can you do? Well, if they dont fix it, there will be a vacuum formed in the industry, because nothing opens the door to competition like ruining your brand and hurting your base.

Thats a long way off for me to plan ahead. Put me on the list and I’ll do my best to make it.

Something very strange happening here. I am well placed and well priced (too low but that another issue) but I have only received repeat orders since the changes. The customers must be going to SLA or SLS.