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Mar 2017

Ah, ok thanks for the info. I did not know that, but I suppose it doesn’t matter much anyway seeing as I’m not going to print orders better suited for someone else anyway. Definitely not a good way to foster improved print quality though.

I will be on the call.

But I ask 3dhubs and the hubs to continue the discussion in the open here as well, as will I.
Everyone here deserves to have their voices heard on this, as they are directly affected because the change is still up. Perhaps some others from 3dhubs can help with the discussion here.

I would encourage you to do the call sooner. A week is a long time in internet time. Google has this already. I would think you would want to head off some bad headlines that inevitably are coming on the 3dprint news sites and forums.

You don’t want to see headlines like “3dhubs redefines 3d printing as low quality prototypes” or “3dhubs decides their primary business is now low-tolerance prototype materials.” Or worse headlines, which I am NOT going to post here.

Something very strange happening here. I am well placed and well priced (too low but that another issue) but I have only received repeat orders since the changes. The customers must be going to SLA or SLS.

I’ve seen no increase in SLA orders either though; honestly orders have been (way) down since late January across all my printers. Usually I get at least a few orders per week on the Form, but I’ve seen that many in the past month. My placement in the rankings has been bouncing all over the place for no reason as I can see (top of first page one day, bottom of second the next), so maybe the algorithm is being changed for that as well? Somehow Hubs from Pennsylvania with few orders rank higher than one from NYC with 200+ order for the NYC area, so I really don’t know what’s going on there.

My placement has also been moving around. One day I was placed below hubs in other countries!!!

However orders have been consistent until the changes. Coincidence?

I suppose I do get a lot of student orders, and it’s not quite crunch time for semester projects yet so that could have something to do with it. But the placement thing is odd, and I do wonder if so many factors go into now that it’s difficult (near impossible) to predict where Hubs will end up when a file is uploaded.

Ive noticed same on my hub, typically id get about 5-10 orders a month and last month there has only been one order. I figured it was just possibly a slow time and competition from certain hubs that barely charge more than materials

Could it be that 3dhubs is pushing your customers away, by describing the most common form of 3d printing as low quality prototyping? Perhaps they went to another 3d printing web site altogether; one that describes 3d printing as really fantastic. Maybe they went to one of the printer farms instead.
Perhaps your customers were shown a “can i help you choose a material” dialogue when they arrived at your hub and went to a different hub after that material was chosen, or they saw pro****totyping materials, and went to a different hub, OR when they finally got to the point of buying, they were told that the print would be substandard, and they should “consider a different material” and went to a different hub.

Don’t worry, the data shows good outcomes!

@Steelmans 300 orders. Great reviews. Just the kind of hub 3dhubs does not want anymore. Those are some fine “low quality prototyping” prints you have on your website.
I do see the number of reviews on your site have dropped off dramatically, so I can tell you are telling the truth about orders.
Wow. You would think every employee on 3dhubs would be in here on this thread.
Maybe you are just a victim of the new ranking, you know, repeat business, blah, blah… which is what filemon suggested for another hub that said thier orders were dropping off.
Or maybe 3dhubs has implemented a policy that sends frighten customers away, that sends customers from your hub to other hubs, or that sends customers to other 3d printing sites, or that sends customers to printer farms.


I think you also have your own website, and do printing outside of 3dhubs if I recall. Well, just remember that while 3dhubs redefines FDM as low quality prototyping materials, YOUR ENTIRE MARKET, not just 3dhubs, is being redefined.


WHO at 3dhubs decided this was a good idea. WHO at 3dhubs decided to not fix it.

3dhubs personnel have definitely had discussions about this, and I guarantee one of the comments was “We have enough hubs, do we really want a few to push us around?”. This is how you open the door to competition.