I want to buy a 3d printer for my father for Christmas. I have read all of the reviews and have narrowed it down to these two. They are basically the same except the Qidi Tech 1 is over $200 cheaper. Should be a no-brainer except that the Qidi TEch 1 is 50 pounds and the Flashforge is only 25 pounds. 50 pounds seem so heavy! Thoughts?
I own a Flashforge Dreamer, I’m very happy with it. A little bit noisy, but it makes good quality prints and i had very rare nozzle jams (mostly my fault). Very easy to level the bed.
hello, i have a Qidi Tech after my prusa i3 from replikeo, i’m having great print with my new Qidi Tech. Common problem are inevitable like filament jam or clogging. But no issue with the machine itself. I have notice that Flashforge Creator & Qidi Tech are almost the same electronics and hardware.
I have a flashforge and 3 Power Spec 3d printers, they are all the same printer, the QIDI is the same as well. In fact, I just order QIDI parts for repair of my printers, just blew a motherboard and bought a QIDI motherboard, works like champ!!! Qidi ships FAST and never had a problem in the 5 parts orders I’ve placed.
You can get cheaper glass, but that glass is 1/4 inch thick and I’ve yet to break it (and I’m rough on stuff).
Here is the best thing about a glass bed - clean it really well, then put a layer of hair spray on it. When you print PLA, heat the bed to 60, after you print, let the printer bed cool off and the part litterally pops off - no joke, it’s bloody amazing! And I’ve got or have tried almost every print surface out there - it’s glass and hair spray for me.
I would also recomend adding a raspberry pi and Astroprint which is capable of running these printers - you slice and print through Astroprint (only prints one extruder) or upload your x3g file directly to the raspberry pi and print. I generate alot of prints in Simpily3d and upload them, other days, I just print via the web interface.
I have both the QIDI (2) and the FFCP (2). Both great machines especially starting out. They are straight forward with minimal set up to get going. Lots of support around the web including here. Both dual extrusion and enclosed which is a big plus for filaments like ABS.
The weight is probably due to the QIDI being all metal including side, front and back panels where as the FFCP panels are plastic.
Both side and front clear panels can come off the QIDI. ON the FFCP the door will come off and only the right panel. The left panel will come off bu the Y limit switch is on it so it has to stay in place.
QIDI support is excellent.
I am partial to the QIDI because it was my first printer.
like you after exhaustive research it was down to these two and the reviews were really liking the QIDI as the alternative to the popular FFCP. When I got mine it was $400 less!!
You won’t go wrong with either. I would have no issue getting the QIDI.
I literally just bought the QIDI Tech 1 for a specific purpose, it is my 4th printer. I also have a Lulzbot Mini, Lulzbot TAZ 6, and a Monoprice Select Mini
i needed the dul extrusion capability pf the QIDI. I actually bought the Flashforge on Amazon then almost immediately cancelled the order and got the QIDI, remembering it was the same printer.
I honestly don’t know about the weight difference but I can vouch for the QIDI being 50lbs. It is built like a tank, all metal. There is some assembly required (instructions are in the SD card inserted in the printer).
Are you dead dead set on these two printers? The only reason I ask is because if you were already considering the FF you should look at the “Original Prusa i3 MK2”. It is $899 for an assembled and calibrated printer and is agreed by many as THE number one 3D printer you can buy today.
The only downside side is there is no way you will be able to get it for him by Christmas. The printer is in such demand there is a 6-8 week backlog. If he can wait, the printing experience will be superior. Not knocking QIDI, I like it and I’m sure he will too, but for just a little bit more you can get a really great printer.
Didn’t mean to upset the Apple cart. But you’re already looking to spend about what the Prusa costs and there’s literally no comparison. The only downside is having to wait.
I also compared the 2 models and have never regretted my decision. I went with the Flashforge Creator Pro. Bought if off Amazon and loves it!! Loved it so much that we bought a second one. Hope that helps you make a decision. Happy Holidays!
I own a QIDI Tech 1, and my brother has a Flash Forge Creator Pro. I used his Creator Pro before I purchased the QIDI Tech 1, and thought that the Creator Pro was very nice. It prints fast enough and nice, but so does the QIDI Tech 1. But since working on my QIDI Tech 1, I have found some advantages; it has a “high resolution” setting, which takes all the guesswork out of having to change settings. They will both print two colors, Creator Pro has to have the two files merged into one file before it will print, while the QIDI Tech 1 combines files in a similar way it seems to work faster. The QIDI Tech 1 has a more extensive onboard menu. Both show the cooling fan mode in its present state, the opposite of what you might expect, where it shows “Cooling Fan On”, it is “Off”, and must be turned on for each print. One thing about the high resolution setting. Larger objects seem to encounter problems. More Later.
Not my intent to hijack this thread…but while QIDI fans are listening when I connect to my QIDI via USB to my it is not recognized - at all. Meaning nothing at all happens (no new device recognized by the PC). My only way to use the printer is via the SD card. No big deal, just wondering if I’m missing something?
Also is there a guide somewhere for the Sailfish to fine tune the calibration of the printer? Lots of menu options that I’m not finding explained anywhere. Thanks, and for whatever reason Google doesn’t seem to like me recently.
Try disabling your firewall and Windows Defender. Then install the software. If it shows, but will not connect then Go into your Control Panel, and select Printers and Devices. See if your printer is coming up there. If not try installing a new device. Once it installs the new device look at “Printers and Devcies” to see if it is there. You might have to go into properties to select the com port. My QIDI Tech 1 was a problem at first, but I received help here. My QIDI Tech 1 came up on “Com 3”. Use “Replicator Dual” as the printer selection. The slicer type is the replicator 50, or something with 50 in the selection. I do not have it on this system, because I am at the Phoenix College Library.
If you haven’t you will need to install the latest replicator G software to get the driver to load, maybe redo it anyway. Do not plug the printer in until after the driver installs. Should go to port 3 or higher.
Then see if repG will see the printer. Select printer type as replicator dual 1 (not 2). Don’t worry about other software until repg sees it.
If not work from there.
Use USB2 port not 3 to start. Short cable and no hubs, extension etc.
There is no real calibration you should need to do in Sailfish firmware. Here is the manual and it will tell you how to do the calibration cube etc. this is really everything you need to know about Sailfish.
Also do not flash the firmware without first contacting QIDI about it. I believe they use a modified version of Sailfish and a flash will brick the board.