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Jan 2017

For me, the whole point of going to a glass print bed with printed corners is that the glass is removable after prints. I find that I can put the glass in the freezer to help parts pop off.

It also helps keep the bed level between prints, since you’re not prying/applying pressure to remove parts while it’s on the bed.

YMMV for the Z-shim. I have two of the same PS3DPro printers and they used different springs. On one, the spring would be compressed too much, the other was impossible without a shim.

Did you get time to upload your latest file for the strain relief piece? I looked some today at your files but didn’t see anything that seemed related to the PS 3D Pro 2.

I could probably draw one up myself once I get a chance to work with the printer again and get it set up. That won’t be till the weekend the way it’s looking now.


Love flying FPV and quads. Let’s taggup. IM me through thingiverse and we will exchange information. Thanks

Good tips.

I started setting up different profiles for different processes so this will help.

I set support layers for every two layers now.

How do I change the pattern?

I see a box “support infill angles”, is this what you are talking about?

Did you print a Z limit switch shim?

I would like to be able to remove the glass plates easy but I am not sure what I need to change to keep the nozzles from hitting the clips. When I home the machine it would certainly hit the back right clip.

Would not have believed it if I had not printed it myself, but here’s the strain relief part printed from the file shared by dmyers7.

What I mean is this was only my 3rd print and first real part from the machine. The first two were the little calibration cube…

I Purchased and installed the Simplify3D program late last night and after a few minutes looking things over I decided what the heck lets try one in the PLA filament that is loaded already.

I wish I had recorded a video. I watched till about 30% then headed to bed. Later I was up and saw it had finished, taking about 1:20 or so I don’t remember exactly. I peeled it up and started removing the supports structure. I couldn’t stop and put it down. My wife saw it this morning before I was up. Even she was impressed!

I almost aborted the print about 20% into it realizing I had not added in any supports. I did have supports turned on so that’s what saved my a$$ on this one I think. While it was printing I went back to the pc and started playing with the manual supports. Ok this is awesome and I see how it works now. I’m somewhat familiar with MasterCAM CNC and Cut2D along with many other programs over the years.

It takes a lot to impress me most days and I’m a stickler for quality in general. I almost printed a “copy” just because it is so cool and came out so well but the old man had to get back in bed for another hour or two and get through the Friday.

Nice model dmyers7 and thanks for sharing! I did join the thingiverse but not really all familiar with the proper process for credits etc. I was in a hurry to get to it. I’ll jump back in with comments once I get the piece installed.