I guess this isn’t that hard to sort out, get yourself the borosilicate glass plate and a glass cutter from your local diy shop. clamp the glass to the surface with bulldog clips, I like to call them purses, try finding them on the allmighty internet. for a glass plate it takes some time to be completely warm so grab yourself a cup of coffee while warming your printer. hope it helps. kind regards JohnKo
We created a set especially for this, that includes:
- glass plate in correct size (normal glass, 2mm think)
- clips to attach the glass on the plate (without having the nozzle slamming into them)
- z-axis ridge for the Creator Pro that creates an offset for the endstop since the printbed is a bit higher
- spray to attach on the glass for better adhesion
- special designed hood that enables spraying the glass when its on the printbed (without spraying the whole inside of the printer). This saves time to level the buildplate every time after removing the glass.
If you’re interested, I can give you a price offer for the complete kit…
When printing on glass (works very well for ABS!) keep in mind that you preheat your buildplate longer, it takes time before the glass is on temperature.
I simply bought a cheap 4mm glass plate cut to size for £1.50. Printed a Z-axis part to trigger the micro switch 4mm earlier. Leveled the build plate and job done. I’ve actually coated my build plate in kapton tape. Prints simply ping off as the plate cools.
I currently have a Flashforge Creator X (same platform as your Creator Pro) and the Flashforge Dreamer.
I used to struggle a whole lot with bed adhesion and kapton tape used to be my best option but I hated the process of installing it without bubbles or even wrinkles.
Until I invested on a glass plate.
I went to a local picture frame shop and got them to cut for me several sheets of 9" x 6" glasses of of approximately 2mm thick. It was the single best investment I have ever had!!!
My advise is not to buy just glass sheets, but instead, mirrors. It provides added ability to see the heated nozzles through the reflection and helps in the cleaning process. I also found mirrors extremely useful when disassembling the nozzle parts for cleaning.
Do you need the expensive borosilicate glasses you mentioned? Absolutely NOT! Most glasses at 2mm will be great in terms of heat transference and it is very cheap. If you can’t find a shop that can help you cut to size, you can use those glasses that comes in small picture frames. Look for one that is almost A4 size and it should do.
Lastly, I have found incredible success with printing on glass beds using the following combinations:
1) ABS… Just spray any hard hairspray on the glass. No need for Kapton tape or Blue Painter’s Tape. I prefer this to glue sticks as it is not as messy. BEst part is when you leave the glass plates after a print job to cool, the built models will automatically “POP” out hence you don’t need to scrap them from the glass and risk breaking them. I have a few sheets made hence I just remove them from the hotplate and leave it on a cool floor to cool down and place a new glass sheet on the hotbed. Don’t do Blue Painters tape as I find the models warping upwards at the edges hence deforming your models.
2) PLA… for PLA, I have found Blue Painter’s Tape to be best. It does not stick as well to hairspray but sticks like crazy to this tape.
I switched to glass and never looked back. Its really simple too. I use your average standard window glass (although David’s idea of using mirror glass glass is awesome).
I have had no issues with standard glass, despite everyone recommending borosilicate. The glass is cut to the same dimensions as the HBP and use ordinary office clips to hold it in place. For adhesion I use slurry for ABS and ordinary glue stick for PLA.
So I don’t need specialist glass, just anything 2mm thick. Brilliant.
You all talk about the prints popping off when cool, but I’m mostly printing PLA without heating the bed. Glass still a good idea? I’m trying to do away with the painter’s tape…
I use standard (in the US) 8x10 plate glass windowpanes, which are cheap and easy. With 8x10 Plate Glass Clips by laird - Thingiverse 52 to hold them to the print bed. They work great, and it’s easy to swap them when you change Kapton tape vs Painter’s tape vs hairspray, etc.
I recommend trying hair spray instead. I rate it highly because it is incredibly easy to apply (just spray on) and a bottle will last you ages. With slurry ABS, it takes time to prepare and can be messy at times.
99 cent store picture frame for me. 4x6, in side by side portrait orientation results in a glass sheet just about 9 inches long.
I’ve had best luck with glue stick, which for me sticks stronger than hairspray so you lose fewer large prints. I also use a car windshield cleaner that targets bug splatter to clean the glue afterwards; it cleans gluestick better than hairspray.
You can certainly use glass, I prefer using 6 inch wide tape to avoid lines and avoid glue / hairspray. I suppose its all personal preference. I don’t like the “clips” people use to attach a sheet of glass to the build plate though, I’ve got a purpose built solution on the way, let me know if you’re interested.
Feel free to use code EAF9B700D3B4E18 on my site for 10% off at checkout. I’ve got some great 6 inch tape, both standard and high temp / performance tape.