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Jul 2016

Good morning there! How would I go about demoing these new features? I took a peek at the hub options and I don’t appear to have any new pricing options on my dropdown lists for filaments. I also don’t have any new orders currently to take a look at potential changes to the volumetric pricing.

i would like to see time, hours or minutes taken into account as a pricing strategy. i.e. large, tall prints take longer than prints that a large on the x and y but not the z.

so either a height surcharge beyond a certain point, an option to price by time, so X currency per hour / minute etc, or some effort made to educate customers that some types of prints will be expensive because of the time it takes to make them rather than the material cost which might be small.

15 days later
1 month later
22 days later


Can I add another type of material, rather than selecting from the list of materials provided


I am trying to add a printer. I am a new user to this site.

I set the name as Prusa I3 from the dropdown.

I set the material to ABS from the dropdown.

I set the colour as White (There are many more but I tried more and it failed to add so just tried white for this test).

I left everything else as default and set the Online toggle to on.

Clicked Save and got a message saying “Ouch could not add”. Why won’t it add the printer?


Hey @Nomadd_UK , We are currently experiencing a bug when hubs are trying to add new printers, it should be fixed today, i will keep you informed once its working again!

Hi Alex,

I have just emailed Gabriela. The issue is still not resolved. I have managed to edit the printer she added for me and set it to online status though.

If you need me to test it please contact me.

19 days later

Hi there, I have a problem because i can’t find my 3d printer in the list.
What do i have to do if it is a custom model (build area: 300x300x300 mm) of this printer here: www.3dmarkone.com 1 (which is missing in your list)?
Actually I’ve set up the printer as MarkOne but the one you have in the list it’s referred to the Markforged Markone but I don’t want to be misunderstood by customers.

Thank you.

Hi there,

Thanks for your message. If you’d like to list a new printer, may I suggest you to fill in this form. Once that is finished the printer can be chosen for your Hub.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Dominic, i’ve filled the form yesterday 2 times and still not have any update

Hi there,

Thanks for your message. Since it is not an automated form the printers are added manually. So it could cost some time once it’s done. May I kindly ask you to fill the form only once, we will definitely list your printer! :slight_smile:

If you have any further questions, please let me know.



1 month later


not sure what is going on but for some reason i can not add a printer to get started …can you help me?

hmmm, could be a bug. Could you shoot me an email with screenshot; filemon[at]3dhubs[dot]com? Thanks and sorry for inconvenience!

2 months later

So, the last message was 7 months ago here. My current issue is that I have a custom printer (Proto-Plastik A51Z and A52Z). How do I add these printers?

12 days later

I know this is a little bit of a necro-post, but may I suggest adding a link to this form on the page where we add printers to our hub to begin with? Like a “can’t find your printer? click here!” button?

It is more of a power user thing, but it took me a lot of searching to figure out how to do this.

I really wish I had known when I first created my hub, as I did the x and z upgrades to a printrbot simple metal but never got any orders for it. Figured out today this seems to be because the site thinks I have a base model my hub gets filtered out when someone is trying to order something bigger than 6 inches when my gMax is offline. Makes me feel like I’ve missed a lot of jobs simply because my printer is unjustly filtered out.

That’s a good suggestion, I will put it on our backlog right away and bring it up for discussion. Sorry this caused some issues for you. Hope all is good now! Best,


28 days later

the 3dhubs price is only counting min infill not extra infill that some items need nor any support material and now it also includes their 15% fee so hub prices will be going up to compensate for that. this is part of why most hubs have not had an order for more than a year due to customers think we are ripping them off when its really 3dhubs hidden pricing. most hubs have left due to this.

this so called thread is more like a rats nest when trying to follow all the different subjects in one very long page of posts.

to summarize;

most of the concerns with 3dhubs ‘pricing/fees’ started over 4 years ago when they started they promised lots of things that still have never happened and each ‘added feature’ since has only compounded the mess. this is why the site has failed so miserably for both customers and hub owners. 3dhubs is only interested in their own profits and site traffic. not customer satisfaction nor hub owners interests. most ‘projects’ have only given false impressions to customers that 3D printing is faster and cheaper than mass production from China. which is impossible. and has resulted in hub owners loosing money and time wasted filling orders in unreasonable time frames and lost income. it could have been a great idea for a new industry if done right, but now other sites have tried to copy their methods and further ruined our image with prospective customers due to poor customer satisfaction and lack of educating people on what is or is not possible with 3D printing today. I was a ‘top hub’ in my local area a couple years ago with only 4 completed jobs in a year. thats pitiful and why the other 12 hubs near me dropped out. I tried to get with them as ‘hub mayor’ and promote to local schools but a couple schools where very strict about any involvement in anything that MAY be profitable for others not employed by the schools. (seems students Education is not what they are concerned with only money). and that was using postcards provided by 3DHubs that took 2 months to arrive btw.

I alos had local meets for people interested in 3D printing both as a business and just public. as well as attend other such meets. so I truly did try to get things rolling but after pushing a dead horse up hill by myself with no offers to aid, I just found a different horse to ride. seems most people are not that interested in 3D printing industry ATM. maybe when they can tell the machine “make me whats in this photo in under 10 minutes and for less than $1” that may change. HAHA


I didn’t find references to it yet, so here is a request:

maybe it would help us Hub owners to be able to have a “sample price calculator”, where we can upload a sample STL and see what the pricing would be, in stead of us having to go through the trouble of making a dummy order?


Hi @Filemon,

Just wondering if there is somewhere I can change the ‘Hub cannot print invoices’ that is shown on my hub? I can’t find it anywhere and I can print invoices.



Hi Guys,

We got a request to print 25 ✕ 7 ✕ 1.8 cm on a Ultimaker2 Machine. I’m asking myself how your slicer managed to place that object within our machine?

Best regards


2 months later
3 months later

Where do I set the build volume of my printer? I have a custom RepRap Mendel printer which is larger than a standard Mendel printer. I believe I’m being filtered out of customer searches because 3DHubs thinks my printer is too small.

Thank you.

You might want to contact support to see if you can get a custom printer added. But be aware that 3DHubs doesn’t actually allow the full use of your print bed. They subtract 10% from your available bed size. I have an 18x18in print bed and they take away almost 2". They do this to ensure you can print the orders successfully, but I’ve missed out on a couple orders that I could have printed if rotated slightly.

How do I find the specifics on “HD” printers. There is no real guidelines besides how you need an “industrial grade printer” and a rating of 80% 5 stars? I can’t seem to find this information anywhere?