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Dec 2015

@wei_sheng_3139 yes, it is understood. I guess 85% of the feedback on this thread comes down to that feature. So, we need to reconsider. The dev guys will have a look this week. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Cheers!

Hi all!

We’ve taken your feedback and will update some core pricing features this week. Two changes I would like to highlight, because of the discussion on this thread:

  • The possibility to adjust sliced volume on the order page will return (!)
  • The reference models on your Hub profile will be fixed

Let me know if any questions remain.


15 days later

Jep, that’s a bug :s

Currently you can only put your printers offline. Fix will be deployed late this week or somewhere next. Sorry for that

1 month later

Does anyone else find judging the cost of the material buy the size of the 3d hubs guy really confusing? is it possible to make it an option of how to show the price. per cm/3 instead of this new system? which with all the options can get really hard to compare.



I’m also very confused by why pricimg is now done according to sliced volume rather than object volume. Its way less transparent this way which is a bit disappointing…