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Feb 2016
15 days later
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22 days later


I am trying to add a printer. I am a new user to this site.

I set the name as Prusa I3 from the dropdown.

I set the material to ABS from the dropdown.

I set the colour as White (There are many more but I tried more and it failed to add so just tried white for this test).

I left everything else as default and set the Online toggle to on.

Clicked Save and got a message saying “Ouch could not add”. Why won’t it add the printer?


Hey @Nomadd_UK , We are currently experiencing a bug when hubs are trying to add new printers, it should be fixed today, i will keep you informed once its working again!

Hi Alex,

I have just emailed Gabriela. The issue is still not resolved. I have managed to edit the printer she added for me and set it to online status though.

If you need me to test it please contact me.

19 days later

Hi there, I have a problem because i can’t find my 3d printer in the list.
What do i have to do if it is a custom model (build area: 300x300x300 mm) of this printer here: www.3dmarkone.com 1 (which is missing in your list)?
Actually I’ve set up the printer as MarkOne but the one you have in the list it’s referred to the Markforged Markone but I don’t want to be misunderstood by customers.

Thank you.