I’m new to 3D Hubs, but one thing that would be nice as far as price options go is allowing customers to select different geometry and other extra services. For instance maybe they want a High Resolution print with the normal infill, but maybe another customer would want high resolution with full infill. As of now there is no way to offer a single resolution with varying infills.
Can I add another type of material, rather than selecting from the list of materials provided
Why I am not seeing the pricing preview populate on my profile settings?
I am trying to add a printer. I am a new user to this site.
I set the name as Prusa I3 from the dropdown.
I set the material to ABS from the dropdown.
I set the colour as White (There are many more but I tried more and it failed to add so just tried white for this test).
I left everything else as default and set the Online toggle to on.
Clicked Save and got a message saying “Ouch could not add”. Why won’t it add the printer?
Hey @Nomadd_UK , We are currently experiencing a bug when hubs are trying to add new printers, it should be fixed today, i will keep you informed once its working again!
Hi Alex,
I have just emailed Gabriela. The issue is still not resolved. I have managed to edit the printer she added for me and set it to online status though.
If you need me to test it please contact me.
Hi there, I have a problem because i can’t find my 3d printer in the list.
What do i have to do if it is a custom model (build area: 300x300x300 mm) of this printer here: www.3dmarkone.com (which is missing in your list)?
Actually I’ve set up the printer as MarkOne but the one you have in the list it’s referred to the Markforged Markone but I don’t want to be misunderstood by customers.
Thank you.
February 22, 2016, 5:07pm
Hi there,
Thanks for your message. If you’d like to list a new printer, may I suggest you to fill in this form. Once that is finished the printer can be chosen for your Hub.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Dominic, i’ve filled the form yesterday 2 times and still not have any update
February 24, 2016, 10:53am
Hi there,
Thanks for your message. Since it is not an automated form the printers are added manually. So it could cost some time once it’s done. May I kindly ask you to fill the form only once, we will definitely list your printer!
If you have any further questions, please let me know.
Hi there,
Your printer is added and listed as: Mark One (Custom).
not sure what is going on but for some reason i can not add a printer to get started …can you help me?
hmmm, could be a bug. Could you shoot me an email with screenshot; filemon[at]3dhubs[dot]com? Thanks and sorry for inconvenience!
So, the last message was 7 months ago here. My current issue is that I have a custom printer (Proto-Plastik A51Z and A52Z). How do I add these printers?
I know this is a little bit of a necro-post, but may I suggest adding a link to this form on the page where we add printers to our hub to begin with? Like a “can’t find your printer? click here!” button?
It is more of a power user thing, but it took me a lot of searching to figure out how to do this.
I really wish I had known when I first created my hub, as I did the x and z upgrades to a printrbot simple metal but never got any orders for it. Figured out today this seems to be because the site thinks I have a base model my hub gets filtered out when someone is trying to order something bigger than 6 inches when my gMax is offline. Makes me feel like I’ve missed a lot of jobs simply because my printer is unjustly filtered out.
That’s a good suggestion, I will put it on our backlog right away and bring it up for discussion. Sorry this caused some issues for you. Hope all is good now! Best,
Ps. I quickly tested and found that it’s actually there, see image. Or is this not what you meant?
this “forum” is very hard to navigate when its tossed in to a huge list of other topics/questions with no separation of posts.
as for pricing; you are not close to what he myself and others have been saying for years now. not only are the options not there for us hubs to use but also many options that are there are not found by customers and neither have you corrected excluding any way to add cost of material based on infill requirements nor support materials for FDM printers which are well over 95% of the hubs. hence we get ZERO jobs in over a year even with active printer, high rating, good pricing etc.
Ah gotcha. So its in the drop. I never noticed. Apologies.
I do wonder how many others have missed it though.