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May 2016
22 days later
19 days later
1 month later


not sure what is going on but for some reason i can not add a printer to get started …can you help me?

hmmm, could be a bug. Could you shoot me an email with screenshot; filemon[at]3dhubs[dot]com? Thanks and sorry for inconvenience!

2 months later

So, the last message was 7 months ago here. My current issue is that I have a custom printer (Proto-Plastik A51Z and A52Z). How do I add these printers?

12 days later

I know this is a little bit of a necro-post, but may I suggest adding a link to this form on the page where we add printers to our hub to begin with? Like a “can’t find your printer? click here!” button?

It is more of a power user thing, but it took me a lot of searching to figure out how to do this.

I really wish I had known when I first created my hub, as I did the x and z upgrades to a printrbot simple metal but never got any orders for it. Figured out today this seems to be because the site thinks I have a base model my hub gets filtered out when someone is trying to order something bigger than 6 inches when my gMax is offline. Makes me feel like I’ve missed a lot of jobs simply because my printer is unjustly filtered out.