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Feb 2016
15 days later
1 month later

I think it was always Sliced volume?

My issue is how can anyone possible compare the prices of the different materials and layer heights and everything else when we have a bizarre system of Marvins. i have not paid much attention to the update till now as i have been busy.

22 days later

I’m new to 3D Hubs, but one thing that would be nice as far as price options go is allowing customers to select different geometry and other extra services. For instance maybe they want a High Resolution print with the normal infill, but maybe another customer would want high resolution with full infill. As of now there is no way to offer a single resolution with varying infills.


Can I add another type of material, rather than selecting from the list of materials provided


I am trying to add a printer. I am a new user to this site.

I set the name as Prusa I3 from the dropdown.

I set the material to ABS from the dropdown.

I set the colour as White (There are many more but I tried more and it failed to add so just tried white for this test).

I left everything else as default and set the Online toggle to on.

Clicked Save and got a message saying “Ouch could not add”. Why won’t it add the printer?
