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Apr 2018

Hello, nice to meet you all, I am new on this forum.

I bought a creatbot D600 last week, and I have a really hard time to make it work properly. I humbly require your help to resolve this mystery.

-The problem : As I do with every new printer I get, I try to print the 3Dbenchy 20, in PLA, with a 1.75 mm filament, and a 0.4 mm nozzle.

-The main issue is : at one moment during each print, the filament gets stuck in the nozzle, resulting in a quick underextrusion then no extrusion at all (pic n°1). When I remove the filament from the extruder, I can see it is gnawed by the filament feeder (pic n°2).

- What I tried :

I am in contact with a Creatbot engineer since the beginning, but his advices have been… unconclusive. I should have used creatware (the creatbot software, but the installer available online is infected with a malware… so if somebody has a clean up-to-date installer, I am interested), so I use the last version of cura, with custom printer.

Temperatures : I tried a range of extrusion temperatures from 210°C to 240°C.

Retractation: I put 1,5mm in the beginning, then removed completely retractation.

Speed : I tried 20 to 50 mm/sec.

Flow rate : 80% to 140 %

Compression nut : I tried to tighten it and untighten it.

Manual extrusion : No problem when I extrude the filament with the panel.

Shell : 0.8 mm

Top/bottom : 0.8mm.

Layer : 0.2 mm

Whatever the parameter, the result is similar. (sometimes, the filament is stuck even after the first layer).

I don’t know if you require more data. If so, just ask me. :slight_smile:

I hope you can help me to solve my issue. Thank you for your time.

PS : Sorry if there are mistakes, english is not my native langage. :slight_smile:

5 months later

Sorry, could you solve the problem? i buy my first 3d printer last week. Its a createbok DE Plus, and im having the same problema.
Sorry for my english. Im from Argentina.

Hi RGarcia,

Just saw your message. I have three Creatbot DE-Plus and one DE models and like them a lot. They are all printing literally every day.
What exactly is your problem. What material are you printing and what are the settings that you use.

Hi, thanks for your answer.
I trying to print with differents types of PLA.
I change a lot of parameters…
Temperature from 190 to 220
Flow 90 to 110.
Z off set from non adderence to nozzle plugged.
I have a lot of problems…
Thickness of each wall its different. Expected 0.4 get in same cubre 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.47 (not always same value).
Cube height, not as expecter (10mm) i get 9.7mm 9.8, 9.9, etc. never 10 or more.
I buy machine with auto lvl, but try to lvl plattaform (goes to x0 y0 and adjust with nozzle 1) When i finish all corners, i align nozzle 1 with nozzle 2 (only mode second nozzle)
Change 3 fillaments. orange PLA, silk pla and green pla.
Use speed from 20mm/s to 60mm/s
Change jerk (the corners are not well defined) from 15 to 10 and 5
fan speed from 0.1 to 1mm and 50 to 100%
I move 1 parameter each time… i did at least 100 different tests…
Best results for calibration cube:
Layers 0.2
Extrusion width 0.4
Perimeters 1
flow 100
top layers 0
botom 0
fill density 0
print speed 30
temperature 200
bed 50
support none
retraction speed 20
distance 3mm
(ill try + and - retraction values)
inithial thickness 0.3
i. flow 100
travel speed 70
botom layer speed 20
solid layer s 100
outher wall 80
inner 100
infill 105
ill use createbot cura and ultimaker cura… maybe im not configuring ok… because its my first time with 3d printing… but i dindt figure what change now… ill try with all the parameters that i see…

Could you help me?
maybe i can send pictures from my cube or another model…

Thank for all the info, is quite a lot actually.

Do you have the 1.75m or the 3 mm version (Mine are all 3mm).
You certainly seem to have tried a lot of different settings.

Is the cube coming out ok? Or is it just the dimension you are worried about.
Actually, when a 10 mm high object comes out at 9.8mm it is ok in my view.
The first few layers are usually a little bit squashed to get good adhesion so they are actually lower than indicated. So your model will end up a little lower than indicated.
Expect a tolerance of 0.2-0.4 mm with FDM-printing. You are after all using a molten material that is always flowing a little bit. The hotter and slower you print, the more it will flow.

I have my extrusion width set on auto (that is 0.4 mm nozzle, but the extrusion width is always a bit wider.
I basically NEVER touch the flow rate of my prints unless it is a mixed filament like woodfill.
I also never use just 1 perimeter, at minimum 2 but mostly 3, makes for much stronger prints.

I print my PLA at 210 usually. I never go below 200.
Printing speed with PLA is usually between 35-40 except for very small models which I print as slow as 15 mm/s.
Outside perimeter I print at 55%
Retraction is between 3.0-3.8 mm, depending on material. Retraction speed I have at 40 mm/s.
Too much retraction will clog your nozzle very quickly.
Fan starts at about layer 5 and usually between 80%-95%.

For slicer, I use Simplify3D. It offers a lot more control over your prints.

Thanks again.
Ill try with your parameters now in createware, i cant make simplify3d works… i didnt understand how i set machine parameters, and i cant download a configuration file for mi machine.
The two biggest problems are that the filament, especially the SILK, after a few minutes clog the nozzle.
What I could notice is that on the side of the wheel the filament is bitten and on the side of the nozzle it is thickened as if it had a drop (the filament is 1.75mm, it is the only option that they had in my country). In large pieces it is very rare that I can finish without being covered which is very annoying, since if I was waiting for 7 or 8 hours … then throw everything because the nozzle plug is exasperating.
The second problem is that the surface has problems, the vertical angles are ill-defined, for a moment it is shrunken, for moment they drip outwards, also the upper layer has a very bad termination, there are lines below and above the expected surface lvl.

Typer, with your config, but with 20mm/s and 2mm for retraction (i have 1.75 filament) calibration cube prints ok. Good definition, good size… but then ill try to print a bigger model. And clog again 5 times… in total print of 4hs… i stay at side of machine, and didnt figure whats happening… I also read a post that you use DX setup in S3d… do you change any value to make it work? or simpy change x y z parameters?
Thank in advance.

20 mm/s is quite slow.
I don’t use the DX profile in S3D but the DE profile that was sent to my by Creatbot.

You can contact them directly by email and they will surely help you out with that.

I think the issue is mostly the 1.75 mm because I believe the Creatbot was really desinged for 3mm. Are you sure the Bowden tube is the right size of 1.75 mm?

Do you get a clogged nozzle also if you use no retraction at all?

Thanks Typer your help guide to me to resolve the issue.
The problem its that machine works with 3mm at factory defaults, but local provider set to 1.75mm… they didnt say to me that, and when you talk about it… i use m503 command to see all parameters, and se it says M200 D3… I search for M200 (im new in 3d print) and Marlin wiki says its filament diammeter… correct it and can print my first model ok… now i need to do some minor changes, silk pla at 210 º its to much… maybe 200 or 190… and i need to improve retraction again…
When i change m200 i need to change steps for extrusor too…
All working ok now!
Thanks for you help.
I really appreciate the time you spent helping me. Without your observation, it would have taken years to find it!
I am new to 3d printing and it is unlikely that I can return the favor, but if you travel to Argentina, tell me. You have the invitation to eat Asado at best restaurant here!

Best regards,

13 days later

Sorry for the delay.
As said by TypeR, my issue was the filament diameter too.
The gear of the creatbot is very bad at driving 1.75mm filament. I had to order a new 3mm extruder to solve this. Good luck :slight_smile:

4 months later

I have a creatbot D600 pro brand new and I am also having a terrible time getting it to print

I finally returned the machine because it does not work properly. the swindlers of the official reseller ROJO3D do not want to return the amount paid to me. I’m going to trial with them.

Sorry to hear that.
Do you have the 1.75 or the 3mm version?
And what are the difficulties you are experiencing?

5 months later

Hello Rgarcia,
Did you have to change the extruder to for 3mm filament? I am having the same issues so I order the 3mm filament and it doesn’t fir the extruder.