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Nov '16 - I have been using the Fleks3d flexible build plate on my replicator 2 and since getting it, no more blue tape, just print as it should be. Not sure how...
Oct '15 - From Inventor, you exported (save as) an STL file, you can read it back into Inventor to see what the model actually looks like. There is an plugin for...
Dec '17 - Can you post what the problems are? there are sites to help with issues with this printer. we have a couple and basically we just keep them going but t...
Nov '17 - My Makerbot Replicator 2 has the same limitation of 2GB max, SDHC is fine, it is the size of the card. I found some microSD 2GB cards and have been usi...
Aug '17 - Looks like you need a filament cooler, the layers are drooping before the next layer comes in, try slowing down the print speed.
Aug '17 - I also use the microcenter PET-G, 240-245 C, all other parameters are normal Replicator settings for speed etc. increasing the temp will give you a mor...
Aug '17 - I have used a roll of PLA with Carbon Fiber from Inland on my Makerbot Replicator 2, the prints are very stiff and has a nice looking surface, almost l...
May '17 - You can only use a 2GB card. I tried to do what you had done in a larger card and it does not work. Try looking for microSD cards, I have one of those...
May '17 - If the thermistor that you found at flashforge will fit, you can remove the plastic connector from your old thermistor but gently prying the plastic ta...
Apr '17 - This is the ones I order from Amazon, cheap. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01B41K7OM/ref=oh%5C_aui%5C_detailpage%5C_o02%5C_s00 https://www.amazon....
Apr '17 - The nozzle is set too far from the bed. I have a Makerbot Replicator 2 so not sure if your menus are the same, but in the Utilities menu, there is a "B...
Apr '17 - See this link on cleaning the Buildtak Talk Manufacturing | Hubs Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 3D Printing, CNC machining, Injection Molding and more
Feb '17 - I would agree that temp may be high but 210 for PLA is about right. Try turning off the bed heater 60 degC for bed will keep the deposited material fro...
Jan '17 - Curling may indicate that there is some materials in the nozzle that slows down one side of the flow, this can be burned material or debris. A quick wa...
Dec '16 - Check the belts, looks like there is some slippage there. If you can get a replacement but this is something that can be fixed with some playing.
Dec '16 - For the Makerbot Rep 2, there is a limit of 2GB size for the SD card, I had to dig through my stash to find a 2GB card to use.
Nov '16 - I had the same problem with my Replicator 2, changed nozzles, heat tape, settings but it turned out that after disassembling the head to clear out a cl...
Nov '16 - For PLA, you do not really need a heated bed, as the others suggest, go lower or even turn it off. The droops that you see on the side means that the f...
Nov '16 - I have a replicator 2 as well and I agree, 230 is too high, run around 200 is good. The other thing to make sure of is the fan is pointed in the right...
Aug '15 - I had this same problem with my rep 2, turned out to be what most people have commented on. Many small steps and movement, this causes the filament to...
Sep '16 - I just got this printer from Kickstarter that has mods available for CNC and laser engraving / cutting. See http://www.reach3dprinters.com/ there are t...
Mar '16 - I agree with gift3d, this orientation will will require the least amount of supports. If you an change the design such that the "bottom" instead of goi...
Aug '15 - I have been following the markforged printer that will extrude carbon fiber, fiberglass and Kevlar along with nylon to print truly functional parts. ht...
Aug '15 - So the root of the problem is the nozzle was not tight to the feed tube so it leaked out when printing. I had this happen to my nozzle on my Replicator...
Aug '15 - For the Replicator 2, if you use Makerware Desktop, you can open the file, pick Print or Export Print File then in the drop down box, pick Print Previe...