You might increase the extruder temp a little for better layer bonding but not to much. Try 205 and see how it goes. I would measure the filament diameter in several spots and enter that average in the slicer. The horizontal lines may be a mechanical issue or the extrusion is off but one thing at a time.
That split in the middle could be the model and not the print. Not sure without looking into it more.
I see the cracks, how did you create this model? Are you sure the model is 1 solid and not two solids “very close together” I have seen this happen on one of my prints where there was actually a very small gap where parts met. When this part was printing, did you watch the nozzle as it printed the upper portion of the part? did the nozzle print each side separately? if it went in a figure 8 pattern then the gap would not have been there.
Can you post the 3d model file (STEP will work) or the STL file?
Ok, after taking a look at this file what you have is basically three tubes that are together but not joined. There is a gap in between them. Here is a pic of it in my slicer. You can see the gaps. Ignore the grey stuff.
You can see the problem in Fusion 360, go to Inspect, Section analysis pick a face (I used one of the top faces) and then drag into the model, once you get to the intersection, you will see the outer wall is connected but the internal is split open
Here is a quick model made in inventor of your nozzle, the dimensions are not exact, hard to take measurements of a mesh model. Steps are create the lower cylinder, draw a line from the center at an angle, draw a rectangle and use the line as an axis of revolution, repeat. Perform a Shell operation, finish. y_nozzle.stl 1 (101 KB)
1. create solid cylinder (revolve a rectangle around the Z axis)
2. Use the XZ Plane and create a new axis off the center of the first cylinder and the angle desired
3. Create a rectangle off the new axis and revolve a new cylinder
4. repeat for the third cylinder
5. Use the Shell command under 3D Model and pick the three flat planes of the nozzle, the planes that you pick will be the openings. Set the shell thickness that you want the wall thickness to be.