Hi Looking for a solution to the problem of the head of the printer juddering on the x axis and hitting the left side and bouncing into it. I have 2 of the CTC Dual’s, but this is only happening to 1 of them. I have tested a file on both via the same SD card and the it only causes an issue on one …
The main print head is the right print head on the CTC Sounds like it is getting to temp and waiting for you to feed the PLA but timing out when nothing it fed. You should get a musical chime when the head is hot enough to feed the PLA into the hot end. How far is the temp bar in the LDC getting a…
What temp are you printing at ?
I had the same issue. Solved it but using makerbot platform to create the 3g file. If you look at the file extension on the demo files you will see they match the makerbot file type.
Cool the layers by blowing a fan across the build plate. Solved all my printing issues with my CTC
Hi You need to use STL files on the card. Can you see any files on the card when you select - Build From SD?
I use the makerbot software, there is a whole host of settings that I messed around with until I added the fan. Since then I put everything back to default but I don’t bother with the raft. Set the bed to a temp above room temp or it won’t print as it can’t cool the bed lower than the room tempartur…
I had the same issue. You need to cool the layers as they are printed. Get a household fan and blow it across the bed as you print. Turn the fan on before you heat up the nozzles, Set the layer height to 0.1 and temp to 190 for PLA. Almost every issue you have will be cooling the layers, except for …
Hi Not sure if this will help but when I had the same issue I got a household fan and blew it across the print bed whilst printing. This solved my issue. I print PLA at 190 no raff using paper sign transfer tape as the bed surface. Regards Martin