Hello, I am new to the 3D printing scene and wanted to get a 3D printer and do some testing i have had the printer two weeks and still not working. I have tried alot of different ways from different SD card sizes and formats from Fat16 to Fat32 pictures of the SD card plugged in below just has nothing on when files are on there also different files like gcode and X3G but still no work and Printchain store on ebay are not the greatest at giving help to resolve it. I want to update the firmware to saisfish but cant due it not connecting. I have tried using it connected to my pc but it shuts off my Corsair Keyboard and Mouse so i cant even use it through that anyone have any answers it would be greatly appreciated thanks.
You need to use STL files on the card. Can you see any files on the card when you select - Build From SD?
hell Jordan, if your firmware is under 7.5 you must use .s3g files, not x3g.
It must be a Fat32 format. Check the file names. Make sure they follow the 8.3 format and there are no special characters or spaces in the name. I ran across the same thing when changing between my Prusa and my CTC. Freaked me out when nothing was on the card.
Also, what slicer are you using to save them to the card?
Can you see the files on the card when you look at the card from the computer?
I believe if he is using S3D as his slicer, it places both of them on the SD.
That’s not right. Makerbot and clones don’t print from STL files at all. They use a proprietary binary format called X3G