Hola a todos! Desde el FabLab Málaga nos gustaría saber si estáis interesados en participar en el 3D Printing Day de este año en colaboración con 3D Hubs. Por favor poneros en contacto con nosotros si queréis, faltan pocos días y hay que darle mucha difusión! Un saludo Angelo Di Placido
[3d_printer_guide_2017_banner2x.jpg.jpg] Hello fellow Hubs, Another year, an even bigger guide. This year 8,624 reviews, 915 hours of writing, 4,982 years of experience and 1.14 million 3D prints led to the 2017 3D Printer Guide. A big thank you is in order to all of you that helped make the guid…
Hello Guys and Gals! It is time for a meetup! Come mingle, network, share ideas and support the students, entrepreneurs and makers competing in Renewable Home Energy Hackathon on the 1st October at THINK Open Space in Helsingborg. You are welcome to sign up for the full day hackathon or just come…
Hey Guys! Next Tuesday, 20th of September, will be the first day of our 3D Hubs Student first ever UK Tour! We’ll be travelling to some of UK’s Top Universities during Freshers Week to help spread the promise of 3D printing to students. Partnering with numerous students societies at Freshers Fairs…
Hey Hubs, I’d like to share with you some extra information on how we review the initial Marvin review that we do as part of the verification process. As you probably know, we ask to all the new Hubs to complete a “quality review test” before they are visible to customers and are listed on the 3D p…
[T-Rex_Skeleton_2.jpg] Hey guys! I thought it was about time that I wrote a little post on Talk of a project that I recently printed. While working at 3D Hubs I see all kinds of cool prints come by every day and some Hub profiles have some really impressive stuff! A couple of weeks ago I came acr…
Requesting to work “off network” is a MASSIVE red flag to us. Now that the makers pay the 3dhubs fee… there is literally NO reason to go off network. None. These conversations should be monitored and people that recommend this course of action be warned then removed. Makers who indulge in this be…
Hello fellow Hubs, Ever been lost in the midst of all the different 3D printing technologies? Well, I have. A lot. To help add clarity to it all, we’ve done some research and created an overview of the most widely used 3D printing technologies to serve as a useful guide. Additive-Manufacturing-In…
How would you use 3D printing to redefine an object you might use every day? 3D Hubs is teaming up with Gillette and MakersCAFE to run an experiment that gives you the opportunity to do exactly that… It’s called RZR MKR™. We’d like to challenge you to re-design, re-invent and re-print your razor ha…
Easy to remember 3rd December (3D)
looks great!