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  • It heated up, started printing and then dropped down to 189 and then went back up as high as 112. It continues to print but stringy filament. Yesterday I think it said cooling down, check wiring. It is set for 220 and we use PLA. Thanks

  • My printer heats up and after printing for about 5 minutes cools down and doesn’t print properly. My printer has had very little use as it keeps having problems. Does anyone know why it does this? Thanks! Renee

  • When we print phone cases or buildings the ends and corners curl up. Is here a way to prevent this?

  • When I follow the printer instructions to level the printer it moves to the second nut and sits and does nothing. It says wait and then quits. Is this normal for this printer? Is anyone able to use level using the printers instructions? I have had a lot of difficulty with this printer leveling and w…

  • Does anyone know of anyone in Calgary that fixes 3D printers? Mine was clogged and now we are having problems putting it back together. My MakerBot works perfectly. This one causes us grief. Thanks!

  • Thanks!

  • Thank you so much! I was so frustrated and things are printing perfectly now. Thanks!!!

  • I am only able to print things with a small base on my Flashforge Finder. The filament does not stick to the build plate and moves all around. I am using PLA and I have painters tape on my build plate. My MakerBot has no problems but this printer prints almost nothing correctly.