Hello Duane, You have two challenges here that i roo have enjoyed. 3d scanning is not straightforward asnia 3s printing. Simply: 1 You need a good scanner - which means a structured light scanner not a laser scanner. I have an Einacan SP. This will get you good results you can later touch up in mesh…
1) If you are OK with the Formlabs Form 2 cost, great – it’s a good printer and a good company. I have a From 1+. I’m not sure what you mean, but the Form 2 is SLA (stereolithography) which uses a laser to harden the photopolymer resin. A DLP (digital light processor) based printer uses a projected …
Hello, 1) Did you try screwing in both nozzles until they truly stopped against the aluminum heater blocks (with amber Kapton tape). The aluminum heater blocks should both bottom out in the larger common aluminum mounting block. The aluminum mounting block should be parallel to the linear bearings/…
Hello, It can handle all of Ninjatek’s products. Semiflex is straight forward just follow the recommended temperature guidelines. Ninjaflex is challenging only in that it is hard - near impossible - to remove from some substrates including the blue bed included with the Creator Pro. I would use kap…
Could you tell me what material you are printing with and the temperature of the extruder and the print bed? This can be due to warping and/or bed adhesion. ABS warps a bit - the bed needs to be heated.
Hello, I have some ideas of what might be going on. Likely, these are all adjustment issues. Some quick questions: Is the print bed level? At what temperature and what material are you printing? This shouldn’t be hard to fix. -Rich