i got this printer 5 days ago and out of nowhere I was printing a spinner and on one side of the printing plate or base, it just prints choppy and it basically makes a stain on the building base. I’m very new to printing so I don’t have a clue what this is. I have calibrated, I’m using the right filament and I’m also sure it’s not the model.
1st pic is problem
2nd is other half
I think the bed is not leveled. The part with missing filament is to close to the extruder. The filament cannot come out and is stuck in the extruder.
March 15, 2017, 9:27am
Mine does the same…It may be uneven bed. -Clean your platform with ethanol. Set bed temp higher… Or you can buy a piece of glass that goes on platform and that should fix the problem. Record a quick video so we can see in detail…
I agree on leveling.
In the future you need to post basics when needing help such as material, temps used, speeds, bed prep etc. any relevant info is good.
Make a small model to print like a quarter sized cylinder and print 5 separate times, 4 corners and center. Do this like 3 times so a total of 15 prints each print maybe 5 minutes long. If the problem finds it way to the better half you have an intermittent extruder or nozzle problem, service and clean out. If the problem stays on the bad half re-level the build plate, 3 times. Third time there should be no adjustment, if there are do it 3 more times, calibration of build plate is truly finished when there are no more adjustment when the script is performed…
Re-calibrate your bed. It seem like it’s not level.
I have some ideas of what might be going on. Likely, these are all adjustment issues.
Some quick questions: Is the print bed level? At what temperature and what material are you printing?
This shouldn’t be hard to fix.