Every other day we get requests for printer settings, hacks and tweaks that improve the performance of our Hubs’ 3D Printers. Since Makerbot, Ultimaker and RepRap based printers make up more than half of the machines on our platform we decided to dedicate a blog post to each in which we try to demys…
As soon as you get to the window to select sequential printing, you have to put in a large value beneath. I can’t remember, how exactly that’s named. As best you just put in the maximum height of your printer. Cheers, Marius Breuer
Then you could use this great visual guide visual guide
In your infill properties window change the infill “overfill” (something like that, cant think of them item currently) to 60%. I have not tried it lower than 60% but 60% seems to work. This means that the infill will go over the outer shells by 60% vs the std 20% that it is set too. Btw I have an U…
Looks a bit like under extrusion - which can be from too fast, too cold etc. (slow down and heat up :)) In S3D it is worth checking you have your nozzle size at 0.4 and extrusion width 0.4 in Advanced use “gap fill when necessary” plus I normally use 4-6 layers on the base and 8 on the top when I…
Like Munjeni says, try upping the outline overlap percentage: infill > outline overlap (mines on 20%) should get rid of those gaps between infill and shell.
First try tightening the short belts connecting the x and y motors to the guide rods. That should help a bit. It also looks like you’re running the plastic slightly too hot, about 5°c less might help, especially with the warping around the bottom support. Upping the infill overlap or just the flow…
Yes Xtra shell would do the trick.