Hi did you check the layer preview mode in cura? I think you fix your model by adding a cylinder hover the center but the model keep the previous version inside the second with a thin wall.
I thinks your nozzle is to close, you need to calibrate the Z offset. Or is the filament flow is to high, with cura you can the the parameter to 90%. If is the second case you can cali rate the number of steps for E motor by asking to extrude 10cm of filament after ad a mark at a 10cm on your filame…
Hi Alex, same questions of Ian. You need also to check all wire connections of your printer. For instance if the thermistor isn’t connected you can have this kind of problem.
I would say Line Skirt. Sorry for that.
Hi, the last week I print 9 tiles of 15x15 on my printrbot. I use cura for the slicing, you just need to remove the lines shim. And Olso I have some trouble with the wrapping so I use the raft setting. For the raft, I change a little bit the setting to reduce the margin of the raft. Maybe be you do…
You can print the first layer hotter in Cura with the “Tweak At Z” plugin (enable by default in Cura).
If you want to stay on blue tap, add a small layer of glue stick, print the first layer little bit hotter (+15C), a little bit slower and finally disable cooling. You can also add a raft in your slicer. An another solution buy a print surface, personally I use the CoroPad, but you have other solut…