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15 / 22
Apr 2016

- Try a 5 or 10mm brim.

- coat the build plate with some 1:2 diluted PVA or gluestick or hairspray or buildtak.

- if you have a heated bed, use it.

Hi Furball

Bad adhesion, could you explain material you use and settings of this print?

If you want to stay on blue tap, add a small layer of glue stick, print the first layer little bit hotter (+15C), a little bit slower and finally disable cooling.

You can also add a raft in your slicer.

An another solution buy a print surface, personally I use the CoroPad, but you have other solutions. I recommend you to see this video Review: Are commercial build surfaces worth it? - YouTube 1

I see painters tape? Is your bed heated?

I use BuildTak for PLA on both my machines and don’t have any adhesion or warping issues. Will be testing PETG this weekend.

Have you tried cleaning your bed with rubbing alcohol? It’s a great help for me!

If i’m looking for a straight edge and consistant layer height rather than the surface finish - I always use a raft on my blue tape. Get almost zero warp and the print pops off (usually!!) without fuss.


use a brim, 6mm is fine for most pints. also check the distance to the bed.

In the case of using tape,the blue tape has the better results than other painters tape.

Use a brim and blue scotch tape (painter’s tape)

If that doesn’t work for that particularly larger print, experiment with different filaments and room temperatures.

Also make sure your printer isn’t set-up under an air conditioning vent or an open window.

Get a heated bed… Large flat objects never stuck down on cold tape for me.

i use a heated glass bed and parts stick like crazy until the bed cools and then they just pop off