Get a heated bed… Large flat objects never stuck down on cold tape for me.
i use a heated glass bed and parts stick like crazy until the bed cools and then they just pop off
Get a heated bed… Large flat objects never stuck down on cold tape for me.
i use a heated glass bed and parts stick like crazy until the bed cools and then they just pop off
Slow first layer print speed to 15% & first~3rd layer turn off fan.
Thanks RoboSavy it not under a air vent but I will try a brim thanks!
Thx I will check BuildTak out!
Here’s some things I do to keep prints from popping off early:
I print the first layer hotter than the rest of the print. I start my PLA prints at 215, but run the rest of the print at 185. Slic3r will let you do this, Cura won’t (not yet, anyway) - check your software to see if it’s an option. This can result in a lip around the bottom of the print, especially if you’re using a setting to make the bottom layer extrude more material.
I personally prefer Duck Tape brand blue painter’s tape. I’ve found the generic brands don’t grip the platform as well, so the tape lifts along with the print.
Try to enclose your printer to protect it from cooler air. I’ve seen open body printers encased in plexiglass boxes turn out some fantastic prints. I haven’t built an enclosure for my printer yet, but it’s on my wish list.
The key is to try to keep all the plastic at approximately the same temperature as it cools. Warping only happens when one part cools faster than the rest.
You can print the first layer hotter in Cura with the “Tweak At Z” plugin (enable by default in Cura).
Print first layer slower, too
Good to know, thanks!