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  • I have found that there are a few things on the 3D20 that contribute to failed prints due to filament jamming. First off I am now using S3D for a slicer as it has more options that limit these. Measure your filament and adjust your filament diameter. I found the Dremel brand is slightly under 1.75…

  • In the post right below this Stephan included some pictures of what the back of the printer should look like. It looks to me like your cable bundle might not be properly secured at the back. If you don’t have the black plate in his print use a zip-tie or tape to get it out of the way and see if that…

  • How tight to the extruder is your cable bundle? I have almost no wiggle room with the cables, to the point of making it difficult to unplug them. I am not near my printer at the moment but I will try to take a closer look at it (if I recall correctly the last time I was unplugging stuff it almost fe…

  • A picture with the head over to the one side. I do find that the filament can cause issues when printing at the back pf the build surface (by the dremel logo). I try to keep my prints forward a bit or if I am printing near the back center I watch the print a bit more closely. [IMG_20160313_134611.…

  • My printer came with http://www.buildtak.com/ and I have been very happy with the results so far. I still use rubbing alcohol after every print to remove and finger grease left behind when removing. Others results may vary but I find for some prints it sticks too well and I have to really work to ge…

  • Can you post a brief description how you did this.

  • By no means an expert. Try going to unload. And manually push PLA through (you might have to pull it out a bit first) when it finally starts flowing is it straight and smooth or all bunched up at the nozzel. If it is running smoothly perhaps (as mentioned below) the issue is with the drive. You can …

  • Print studio is the new Dremel recommended software (free) still not the best but I have been using it for a month and can’t find much to complain about. Netfab and meshmixer are also great downloads for various reasons.