So the black mesh that groups all the wires together and is connected to the extruder rubs against the back left corner of my build platform has anyone else had this problem? also if someone else who owns a dremel could send me a picture of the inside of there machine so I can see if my cable grouping is hanging stangely.
New owner of a 3D20 and have the same issue. The black net wrapping around the cables to the head was rubbing against the top left toothed track and metal belt clip to the extent it tugged some of the black net free. It also knocks the top left tooth belt when the head is at the leftmost edge of build platform. Once I stop printing (cannot help it i’ll swing the head to front right, but it does appear there is excess cable in play. Will loosen rear plate and feed some of cable back. Appreciate the comments.
So, I just got our 3D20 for our school district. I was having the about same problem. The whole cable bundle was hanging way lower than what is pictured in this thread. I don’t think it’s too much cable. I ended up putting a piece of 1.75 mm filament in the bundle to add rigidity. It has totally helped. I do think, however, I may get some 3 mm filament and replace it, This should make it sit up higher, while still giving it the flexibility it needs.