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  • Hey wirlybird; I’m getting the .stl file from the designer today. It needs to be printed in ABS or ABSplus. What printer will you be using, and do you have experience working for professional clients? I would need some assurance of quality - and hopefully a guarantee as I offer all my clients a g…

  • English please :slight_smile:

  • Searching for a jobber to sub-contract a job using ABS or ABS plus. Small job, but I only do PLA. Hoping for a two-week turnaround on this (sooner is better, of course.) A non-disclosure agreement is required. Location: Minnesota. Thanks!

  • I have a damaged car part (headlight wiper cover) which is no longer manufactured. Looking for someone to reproduce it as a cad file. Pictures available.

  • I have a Makerbot 5th Gen having difficulties heating to 215C. The log shows: " Validating current measurements 1970-01-01 00:05:57,735 - diag_log - WARNING - ERROR: Measured current draw above limit." Thoughts?

  • I believe there is a setting for that when you create a custom profile for print parameters using Makerbot Desktop. You’ll see just about every kind of parameter you can find. I think you’ll be looking for something like “fan settings”. It’s been awhile since I’ve used my Rep 2.

  • ensure the proportion option is checked as well when scaling (if just scaling the entire object).

  • The horror stories about the Smart Extruder are over; for some time. Makerbot made updates and eventually offered exchanges for bad ones (keep in mind operator error is very often at play). Fact is they were still the number 1 selling manufacture during that period. But whatever. The true problems w…

  • Common problem; to many cooks in the stew. And engineering departments are notorious for bulking up on whatever gadgetry they can get for a certain budget at the expense of others who’s job does not require any expertise in the technology. I see it in schools, a lot. They’ll spend $10k or more on a …

  • First question (not a criticism): Was there a reason that the company chose the MB 2X? Unless ABS plastic was a requirement, it is in most cases, best to start with a PLA printer. There are arguments to this topic, but using a PLA printer is easier, especially if your are new to 3D. The X in the 2X…

  • HIPS?

  • What was your experience with your Makerbot? Did you work the Rep 5; using the latest updates and the upgraded versions of the extruder (before the Smart Ex’s)? Thanks,

  • Makerbot has their new Tough PLA product. It’s got some characteristics similar to ABS. It does however require a separate version of the Smart Extruder+. I’ve never used it but I’m hearing reports that it is meeting expectations. Only in Gray at the moment:(

  • It’s hard even for me to find forums where you have at least a fair expectation of objective feedback. Cheers

  • I Concur makerwiz. Note that there is a new desktop to prepare prints on the new Replicator+ series; Makerbot Print. For the moment it is early in its versions; so the ability to create any substantial custom profiles is pretty limited to the typical defaults. But that will be coming as updates and…

  • Looks like folks are using this forum to solicit. Is this allowed? I’m sure I could spend all day casting for customers if it becomes a competitive marketing venue. I presume this is not in the spirit of its use. Only wondering:)

  • As for generals, have you updated to the current version of MB Desktop? If you’re using another slicer, try MB’s to see if it prints correctly. And you are using a 2Gig SD - no other will work.

  • If you have enough time to do so. Autodesk’s 123 catch is an option as well. It’s photogammetry (sp?). If you follow the tutorial - a fairly short learning curve - you get some good results; best for stationary objects and photos can be taken at reasonable distances.

  • They’re pretty receptive, I would pass that along to them. The only code i know is C:

  • Geeze; I would have never figured that out. I’ll print that one out for reference. Good job.

  • Move the extruder manually along both axis. Is it loose - or limited - in movement in any way? The extruder carrier is clipped to the belt by a plastic connector. It’s a rare occurence, but I did work on a Rep 5 that exhibited something similar; the broken clip. If so, the machine most often is repl…

  • Spammers know what they’re doing. Just keep up the effort to continue the battle:)

  • While your investigating this issue, take a moment to make sure the hex screw that secures the drive gear - on the “squid,” the part that the extruder mounts to, is tight. You’ll need a tiny hex-wrench, something like 1.5 or 2mm If it’s not secure on the detent (the flat part of the shaft,) it won’t…

  • Don’t worry about the error. It’s best to have one if you think about it. Since you uploaded the newly released 1.9, try uploading the version before this last one. Plus, uninstall MB desk top and download it again. We want to start fresh. Regardless if they replace the extruder, i would recommend g…

  • Double check to make sure the filament IS PLA. I made a mistake ordering without check to make sure of that. After a few prints, the points where the extruder checks for leveling will develop divits, or even holes in the tape, screwing up subsequent points the extruder checks for leveling. You can …

  • Don’t for get about the “integrity” of the files created by your students. Have you changed any techniques, methods, modeling software recently? I use Meshmixer quite often to analyze an object for defects in the model. It’s open source. People also use Netfabb (sp?) to do this.

  • I would disagree (with respect) about the .4 resolution’s significance. It’s too high for printing. For a decent fusing to the previous layer not enough surface area would, at default printing speed, would have the time to fuse (I hope that’s clear(?)) Benefit of saving time wouldn’t be worth the t…

  • HOLD ON! Let’s get the basics out of the way first before we make this instructor go way too far into places she doesn’t have a need to. She has to teach her students first, not research the hacks and tricks of the machine. And we don’t want her to screw any warranty protections she may have on the…

  • 5th Gen: I had a glitch where the extruder was dragging on the build plate or raft hard enough to stop movement. It sounded like the machine was struggling so if your machine sounds like its moving smoothly it’s probably not your problem - just something to keep an ear out for. I resolved the probl…

  • Will do. Thanks. Nice work.