Hey Andros, Unfortunately no. We have another big unit for postcuring that also heats up the part and are currently working with it in the office. I am certain that if you check with support they will have some recommendation for you. Sorry i could not help more this time. Greg
Good morning Andros, Since the drying process is compellingly necessary but not mandatory i would consider it after seeing the results you get using the cookbook. While humidity affects the part, its different for each country and workspace and does not affect the same the prints and the casting pro…
Hey Andros, I am glad you got everything sorted. As i am out of the office all week could you send me an email at gmorakos@lino3d.com and i will be more than happy to provide pricing and lead time! Thanks. Greg
Good morning Andros, UV light defines the wavelength spectrum of the light source while LED defines the type of the light source. You can have a UV regular lamp or a UV LED lamp etc. The difference between the two is the power of the light source since LED is in most cases weaker. Since you are al…
Hey Andros, The results between the 2 post curing units should be the same if you follow the proper instructions for postcuring. For EPIC for example you have to do either 10000 flashes on Otoflash or 18 minutes with the Led PCU ( not including 2 minute cooldown times ). It should be roughly 22 min…
Good morning Andros, Having some experience with EnvisionTEC and castable resins, first i would like to let you know that EnvisionTEC offers for Jewelry a smaller post curing unit using led light which is smaller and cheaper than Otoflash with bigger life expectancy on the light source. Further mo…
Hey Scott, as everyone else mentioned before it is very easy to rescale your models using any software that can open an STL file. On the other hand every 3D printer has it’s own software ( open source or not ) that you can rescale the model during data preparation ( supports, orientation ) etc. Fur…
Glad i can help Jim. My opinion would be superior. The machine is very reliable and i didn’t have any issues so far. It utilizes different adhesive films on the platform and different materials which can be a bit tricky but not really an issue. On the other hand it has advanced mechanical precision …
Hey Jim, I have been working with a Roboze One for about 2 months now. I have also roughly 2 years experience with several other FDM/SLA/DLP machines. Roboze is utilizing Cura for slicing which is very simple to use imo, and is consistent and reliable. Personally i think their functional and flexib…