I am using an envisiontec perfactory micro 3d printer with epic resin.
I cure my models in otoflash post curing light unit and i have good result in casting but now oto flash is broken. I sent it back to envisiontec and waiting to be fixed.
I will attach some rings that i cure them in uv lamps nail dryer but the result was not good at all.
Does anyone use epic resin with different cure solution?
Having some experience with EnvisionTEC and castable resins, first i would like to let you know that EnvisionTEC offers for Jewelry a smaller post curing unit using led light which is smaller and cheaper than Otoflash with bigger life expectancy on the light source.
Further more i have talked with several people using EnvisionTEC resins about this in the past and the truth is that there is no accurate solution. I have heard different setups of post curing lamps ( watts, distance of the printed part from the light source, wave length of light source ) and different exposure times but even in the case that people have been working succesfully with a specific setup for a long time, the success rate in the casting process is not always 100% depending on the complexity of the model and how well it has been postcured by changing positions under the lamp.
With that being said it is possible that even if someone does offer and alternative you probably wont get the most out of your resin like you could and it wont be consistent.
To try and help you on your issue if you are located in Athens we could probably post cure some parts for you and also demonstrate the smaller post curing unit by EnvisionTEC if that helps.
Feel free to reach out to me if you think i can be of further assistance!
The results between the 2 post curing units should be the same if you follow the proper instructions for postcuring. For EPIC for example you have to do either 10000 flashes on Otoflash or 18 minutes with the Led PCU ( not including 2 minute cooldown times ). It should be roughly 22 minutes for the LED PCU in total to post cure the model.
Further more i am not aware of a castable resin that does not require some sort of postcuring. What i know and perhaps you as well is that in general resins have different burnout cycles than wax and in some cases require specific casting material for optimal results. In this case you can use a resin that has a higher percentage in wax and follows the standard casting procedure like EC-3000M without the need for specific casting material but i dont have any first hand experience on this so i cant provide more information.
Our 3D Lab is indeed based in Athens and i cant assist you in Cyprus ( with postcuring that is ).
If you have more questions though i am more than happy to help.
UV light and Led light is different type of light source. Some resin can cure in UV but not in led light and the opposite. Some can cure in both lights.
Do you have envisiontec’s instructions how to cure for both units so i can compare it?
Does envisiontec suggest any burn out cycle for epic resin?
Before my otoflash brake i was doing the following procedure for curing
UV light defines the wavelength spectrum of the light source while LED defines the type of the light source. You can have a UV regular lamp or a UV LED lamp etc. The difference between the two is the power of the light source since LED is in most cases weaker.
Since you are already a customer of EnvisionTEC i would suggest creating a ticket and requesting the cookbook for EPIC resin, in which case EnvisionTEC will provide a PDF document with all the steps, burnout cycles, post curing times. I think this will help you get better casting results.
To provide some additional info until you have the cookbook at hand, EnvisionTEC recommends removing supports before postcure, preferably with a friction disc which makes it easier and less likely to break something of, although i myself,on castable resins postcure the parts a bit before removing supports so they are harder and then complete the post curing process.
If you are using Otoflash G171 the recommended process is 10000 flashes in total. 2000 flashes a time, with 2 min cooldown with closed flap and if possible you turn the part every time for a total of 5 times.
If you are using the Cobra LED PCU its a total of 18 minutes. 9 minutes at a time, with 2 min cooldown with closed flap and if possible you turn the part every time for a total of 2 times. While Otoflash flashes, the Cobra LED PCU has continuous light.
For more detailed information just request the cookbook from support and once you receive it, it includes diagrams and complete step by step guide on post processing once your part has finished printing.
Hey Andros, Unfortunately no. We have another big unit for postcuring that also heats up the part and are currently working with it in the office. I am certain that if you check with support they will have some recommendation for you. Sorry i could not help more this time. Greg