Hello, I’m from Russia, Saint-Petersburg. I printing with Zortrax M200, material - plastic ABS in white, black, blue, red and other colors. Resolution: 90-400 microns. Workspace: 180x200x200mm.
Well, I print with 3rd parties materials in all time I have this printer
If your thing don’t have little parts, just try immerse it into the acetone for 30-60 seconds. With 90 micron I usually immersing 40 seconds, it’s enough.
Based on my experience on printing with non-original Zortrax ABS, layers visibility depends on reflection of ABS material. So, if you want hide layers, you should use frosted plastic.
No, it is not OK, but what you want to hear? Yes, they are cheaters. 50 micron & wifi is more serious cheating for me. I can always vote with feet, but M200 still good without this promises.
Yes, it’s true. But, as you say, “M200 is one of the best printers on the market”.
The problem with white rocket’s ‘legs’? I have similar problem when… sorry my english not well to explain this. Here I paint it in attach. [Untitled_0.png]
can you upload photo of bad printed place?
Hi! Try to change support degree to 20 or even 30. In some cases, depends on object’s shape, it helps for me.
Yes, you can do this. But why you say “Nope”? )
Hi! Zortrax - closed platform, there is no third-party software, so you can’t get really 100% infill with M200.