I have a question on air print with zortarx m200. I got a print job done over night ( ZABS .14 10 degrees with lite support), 3 same tall objects (12x8x65 mm) printed. I noticed one printed nicely but the other ones on the side and in front were just air printed?
The print chamber is closed and I printed again with only 2 same objects and one got air printed again. The bed was aligned night before. ( the printed objects were all the same setting, just the position of them are different on the bed. Anyone got this issue and know why and how to fix it? appreciated your info Thanks!! (sorry did not take any photo before I thought of asking question)
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Try to turn off “smart bridge” option.
Thanks, I will try to turn off “smart bridge” option next print. Is there a logic behind this option?
March 28, 2016, 3:42pm
Try to change support degree to 20 or even 30. In some cases, depends on object’s shape, it helps for me.
March 28, 2016, 4:02pm
Also u can try to rotate parts around z-axis, it sometimes helps with both slicing and printing.
Thanks, the part does not need support when i printed it along. I added the 10 degrees support try to help. but will try the 20 degrees I guess… : )
March 28, 2016, 4:47pm
can you upload photo of bad printed place?
There is a new photo of rocket ship in my hub. The feet are the one that I am having this issues with many inconsistency of printed parts.
Hi there,
I’m not sure from your description but thought it best to at least mention one possibility. It’s a weird one but happens a fair amount with the Zortrax after a fair amount of use.
If if you ever get objects printing in several areas of the print bed and one area prints perfectly and others don’t print at all - not failed as in messy but not printing anything, then check the print head when it’s trying to print in that area. Have a look at the extruder gear and see if it it stationary whilst printing. The ribbon cable on the top gets weak after a while and the first part that fails is usually he extruder stepper. You usually are able to get it to turn simply by moving the ribbon cable mid print - it starts printing again. You can usually get away with taking the connector apart, cutting the cable back a few cm and remaking it. I’ve ended up making replacement cables myself in the past (I print and extreme amount with the Zortrax) as it’s cheaper than buying the cable from the manufacturer.
Thought it best to double check in case it’s your issue.
March 28, 2016, 5:35pm
The problem with white rocket’s ‘legs’? I have similar problem when… sorry my english not well to explain this. Here I paint it in attach.
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March 28, 2016, 5:41pm
Only option as for now is to alter support angle, tho it’s not perfect solution. If possible try to print in different model rotation (x/y axis), also u could consider spliting part for instance u could cut legs off and print them upside-down, then glue whole thing.
just recreated the air printed part model.
Thanks for the advises…
I will be reprint them again tonight or tomorrow trying with options from you guys. will let you know.
March 28, 2016, 11:13pm
I always get better prints when printing one piece at a time…
After a few days of trying. Philippe is right. Printing just one part at a time is probably the best way. No matter how I try to re range the copies
The printouts were never consistently good and the casualty still happened.
Thanks all.