that help with it trying to go past the max x and y axis but it still digging into the bed and dragging across the bed. Could this be a issue with the firmware?
this also happens to be where the printer thinks 0 is for all 3 axis. [20161001_104643.jpg]
this is what came up when i ran it the way you said to. i also checked to see if i had a f5 board and i do will that be a problem. Attempting connection at \\.\COM5… Testing plaintext communication protocol… READ: ok Connected to machine! SENT: T0 READ: echo:Active Extruder: 0 Active Extruder…
so this is what came up when i ran the M119 command. [Capture_16.PNG]
yah so mine is the f5. so do i need to contact printerbot?
how would i check that to find out what version it is should the f5 be on the board some where?
thanks that really help. it stopped it from trying to go past the max x and y axis, but it still lowering the head into the bed. do you think this could be a hard ware issue?
so it seems like its not zeroing in the corner of the bed like it seems to think its doing. its more towards the center of the bed. how do i modify where the program thinks zero on the x and y axis is? i still have no idea why it keeps lower the z axis into the bed. i worried that this will break th…
what in the hardware could be causing this, would it be something wrong with thing chip or a part on the printer? i configured it to a printer bot settings i thought.
thank you for your help i really do appreciate it.
thank you for the information its been extremely helpful as to how to charge cost wise.
so you would say its worth the price tag?
i run it directly off my computer, do you have opinion for matter control as a slicing software.
thanks for the info, so i am specifically looking for slicer software i can hook up to the printer and run it with. im also using hatch box pla filament online reviews say that its great but im still not sure. i have been working with matter control but i will look into simplify3d. thank you again f…