Check out this cool advert PostNL did showing a delivery of an Ultimaker to a customer while it’s still printing in the box! [PostNL | Sound of Delivery] do you this its showcasing how gentle PostNL is or, how robust the Ultimaker 3D printer is? luv that sea of Ultimake…
@karlzhao314: How dare you compare that imperialist capitalistic inferior filament with our superior socialistic filament! We are now printing a bed in Siberia with your name on it! And, whouhaha! it will be made by PLA! That will teach you!
i use Autodesk Fusion360, this is a great, powerful software for beginners and experts. All of my CAD is done with this software. It works on PC and Mac, and very affordable.
Oh also - FDM printers can print in any orientation. I’ve tried it as I thought it might improve overhangs but alas it seems to make no difference. Ultimaker at makerfaire’s and such used to hang a printer upside down by a rope sometimes while it was printing.
That’s Joris. He’s an amazing guy. Last I checked (6 months ago) he doesn’t work for Ultimaker but he works at the fablab that started ultimaker and he is very friendly with the founders and others there. Joris is the guy who 3d printed the life size elephant (1:1 scale) at schipol airport. I’m sur…
What You See Is What You Get. Organic, meaning suitable for creating shapes found in nature, rather than very geometric and mechanical.
I’ll give a thumbs up to Fusion 360, and I’ll also throw in that a commercial license is FREE for at least a year for startups and individuals making less than $100,000 per year. I’m on that license right now. After Fusion 360, give an honest look at SketchUp 2016. I still haven’t sprung for the pr…
Hello, 1. Good idea, noted and passed to software department. 2. Same here, noted and passed. 3. You can Pause, both from firmware and Z-Suite. To pause during a print, please press LCD knob for about 10 seconds. In, Z-Suite, after slicing model, there is a Pause option. Regards,
Chris, you should have no changes made to the x/y/z steps per millimeter values - those are/should be constant. If you are using GT2 belts for x/y and 16-tooth with 1/16 microstepping your steps/mm are 100 ( read up RepRap Calculator - Original Prusa 3D Printers ). If you are printing a circle patt…
Are you printing in PLA? If yes, then you probably need to add an extra fan to cool your model as it prints. I’m having the same problem and I am adding a fan TONIGHT. I printed this to add to my 4S. Active Cooling Fan Duct v2 for Replicator 1 / Duplicator 4 / FlashForge / CTC by thruit00 - Thingive…