Try FILL_BED_SPREADS 35 command in .ini file. But I would guess that the platforms are misaligned or maybe roller in not spinning right or too much powder is getting out of the build platforms on each side. Don’t really know if there are any settings for powder dispensing since this is not the autom…
Hi. Poor spread, build bed not flat. Dirty sensor on pogo. Try those first.
The other photo shows online state and normal operation I think so this means you can print. If you need any cheap quality binders for the printer send me a message.
Typical, I as mentioned the BIOS battery is dead. You must replace the battery on the motherboard. Diskette error will probably does not matter in booting but can be switched off in BIOS setup.
Like I wrote, you will se the BIOS starting up (normal like in every PC), if you are familiar with PC you will find on the screen some info. Probably BIOS battery dead. Just plug the monitor and PS2 keyboard and you will see.
Plug in PS2 keybord and VGA plug monitor at the back to see what is going on. First thought stuck on BIOS setting or the BIOS battery is down.
Hi, If any one is interested in testing some binders I would recommend www.3dcolors.pl
Hi, If any one is interested in testing some binders I would recommend www.3dcolors.pl
Hi, If any one is interested in testing some binders I would recommend www.3dcolors.pl
Hi, Try www.3dcolors.pl - tested on 660pro and Z510. Works fine. Very cheep.