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Apr 2019
4 months later
1 year later

Hallo, ich hatte das auch mal das ich F1 drücken musste. Ein Elektroniker hatte dann festgestellt das sich was im Bios verstellt hatte.
Das starten des Mainbord wurde aktiviert.
Aber wie er das gemacht hat kann ich nicht sagen. Also F2 drücken und mal durchschauen.

Hello, I had the same thing that I had to press F1. An electronics engineer had then noticed that what had been adjusted in the bios.
The start of the mainboard has been activated.
But how he did that, I can’t say. So press F2 and see through.

2 months later
15 days later

Hello everyone
I have the following Problem:
When I print comes the clear Binder normal. From about 50 Layers, the Binder is switched on and it only presses the colored Edge. The running through of the Binder is going well, in my Opinion. Can this be a Software Problem? I’ve got V 3.206 on it.
Does anyone have a Tip for me?

Or does anyone have the Firmware 3.206 for me?
Then I could play them again.
You can do That with a USB Stick, right?
The Flow of the Binder is super only the printer switches off the flow after some Time.

Thank you for your Help