The Plus yes, the mini not (since it is more an educational device). You can contact us on info@ide-3d.de since the plus version is not listed yet.
If you like to tell me wich temp you want to reach, I can do a test and tell you if it works. cheers
We did not test the absolute maximum but 100 degrees Celsius are no problem. For ABS we recommend 90 - not cause of any limit, but this has the best results.
Hi, it is ready, we are just waiting for the product pictures and the CE certificate. cheers Karsten
I had about the same story: had to print a larger object and used the “special made for this” Z-Hips. I really spent about 50 printing hours in testing, different z-suite versions, different firmwares, even different Z-Hips spools, and of course with the enclosure. No chance to make it. It always go…
Hi together, finally the 5th Gen version is ready for sale and online on ebay I will make our international shop as soon as possible as well, there you can save a few bucks ebay fees
If you do not want to wait you can just send me an email to info@ide-3d.de, the price will be 449 USD off ebay. …
Hi guys, it took a while but finally we have the IDE System for the Replicator 5th gen ready for sale and online. You can find it here on ebay. We also have an online shop where it is a bit less expensive cause of the ebay fees, but the international Version is not online yet, only the german versi…
The CTC works “out of the box”, but you should have a look at our HBP System http://m.ebay.de/itm/IDE-Flashforge-CTC-Wanhao-Glas-Bauplattform-upgrade-V1-HBP-Made-in-Germany-/252404702314?hash=item3ac47e1c6a%3Ag%3ASjIAAOSwintXSH2T&\_trkparms=pageci%253Aea827926-d0eb-11e6-99c4-005056974d32%257Cparent…
If you do not want to use the file, most probably this is the problem: Go to Tools > FIrmware Configuration, and under the X3G tab, make sure you have Replicator 2 with HBP selected. In your FFF Settings, add a temperature controller in the Temperature tab, and make sure the type is heated build pl…
Hello, this is a Problem that Simplify has for a while now. You have to do several settings to activate the HBP. A year ago there was just one checkbox to activate. I will email you a file, please just import that to simplify. This should set your profile correctly for future prints. Best regards
Hello, yes but only in german at the moment and the 5th gen is not uploaded yet. there will be a English site also.
Hi, it’s completely independent from the software and firmware. It has its own controller where you can set the temperature directly. So there are also no changes at the printer needed, you just replace the original build plate with our build plate system and can switch back whenever you want to the…
Hi guys, i already replied to some of you in a personal message. It took way longer than expected to bring the 5th gen thing on the market, cause we had to do a lot of certification and stuff. I will inform you here as soon as the Z18 Version is available - sorry for the long waiting, i would have l…
You can use the special bushing Filament from IGUS
Hi guys, since several of you contacted me, i wanted to inform you about the status: We decided to purchase an Z18 to make sure we can adapt our 5th gen replicator HBP system for the Z18. We received the Z18 2 days ago and had a lot of work to adjust everything (really unbelievable how some things w…
Hi, you can check out our profile
we make upgrades for the Replicator 2 and 2X for about 2 years now and especially work together with big german companies like Bosch for example, who have a lot of Replicators in use and just want to have them more useful and reliable (cause for them time is money)…
Hello, we are currently working on a complete system for the Rep 5 and also will offer that for the Z18 a bit later.
Hi, i just saw that it costs almost 5000€ compared to about 1750€ for the M200. I did not expect that people will buy that.