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Mar 2017

Hi guys, it took a while but finally we have the IDE System for the Replicator 5th gen ready for sale and online.

You can find it here on ebay. We also have an online shop where it is a bit less expensive cause of the ebay fees, but the international Version is not online yet, only the german version with 19% vat - i will update it here as soon as the international one is online.

You can still already order by email at info@ide-3d.de

The price is USD 449 off ebay, it is the complete ready to use thing, with power supply, controller and build plate. Just to plug in, slide the build plate in and set the temperature.

We will have the same thing for the Z18 finally online soon as well :slight_smile:

  • created

    Mar '17
  • last reply

    Jul '17
  • 2


  • 4.1k


  • 2


4 months later

Do you have a version available for the replicator plus and mini?

The Plus yes, the mini not (since it is more an educational device). You can contact us on info@ide-3d.de since the plus version is not listed yet.