Backward is Y axis, not X
Anet A6 is a bit better. Prints excelent with proper settings, has fans for extruder and filament nozzle. I heated the bed to a bit more than 110 degs, but didn’t need so much. You can go more if u insulate the bottom of bed.
increase temperature and speed or turn off fan; otherwise the filament may block beacause of too low flow speed and it solidify before exit from nozzle.
i don’t know
did u check the baud rate in Cura?
u need to know the com port number which is created when u connect the printer and set it in Config>Printer settings. Do u know it?
the nozzle and the hot ‘cube’/assambly should not rotate
print in the middle where is the front FAN duct?!
oops i missed that
or maybe to the heater :))
or to the fan
increase the speed, fan speed, decrease temperature
i recommend using a screwdriver and level it manually
what is the Z distance for support? 0.2 should be good
large pieces tend to wrap more easy. Did the hairspray resolve the problem? Increase the temperature around the print. Enclose the printer. Reduce the fan speed (perhaps even at 0).
no problem
use Repetier host program
the screw is for setting the wheel pressure . To release the pressure and let the filament free (open the gear), just push the screw down.
it is what i wanted to say: if the led is on and not heating > replace the bed
why all of you buy A8 and not A6? A6 has a led on the bed which lights when is heating. If it is not on when u have 12V on connector then the soledring of the connector on the bed is broken (resolder it) or the resistance on the bed is broken > replace the bed. If the LED is off when you have 12 V,…
wow at last somebody witn an A6. but I didn;t have this problem. the printer shuts off while printing? can u turn easily the motors when it is off? perhaps is going to hot because of the high current.
Repetier host rises 15 mm on Z at the beginning of gcode.
for ABS increase temperature by 5 degs. but first, be sure the bed is leveled (level it 3 times after 3 times homing, and heated to print temp) and belts are tensioned.
exchange the cables
the left Z can.t move. try rotating by hand and see where it blocks. remove the fan and check where it touches the case/grill.
I did fit a PCB drill on a A6. so it might be possible on A8, too, although there are different extruder carriages
did it work with original configuration?
I work in Blender, too. u can send me the .blend file. I think your wings are too thin to be printed. Make them at least 0.6 mm for a 0.4 mm nozzle.
send us the first 20 lines of your gcode
Why all of you are buying anet A8 and not A6 which is newer and better?! try printing from a slicer like Repetier.