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  • Hey everyone, just wanted to see how many people would be interested in an app for 3D hubs. I think it would be really nice if we could have all our jobs come up in an app and be able to post images and reply to these forum questions etc. from an app. If there is enough interest I will contact th…

  • Is there any chance the filament has been in a humid environment? It does tend to absorb water and that can cause snapping and popping (when steam bubbles out of the extruder). It could also cause these bumps during the extrusion. You likely wouldn’t notice in short print segments since the retracti…

  • It looks like over extrusion. Check the diameter of your filament, 3mm filament should measure about 2.85. There is a setting in your slicer to set the actual filament diameter. I’m guessing that your filament is actually a little wider on average so you are over extruding. You will need to check th…

  • Indeed, options are critical :slight_smile: Love the rings, thanks for sharing! And I agree with @Mats_R__Jakobse, can’t wait to see the dragon unleashed :wink: