Mechanical Engineer at 3D Hubs. More questions? Email me!
That’s a good idea. There would be a lot of overlap of course, as the restrictions are the same. I could maybe add a section to the current guide. @zymon Do you have experience with such projects?
The CR10 was also one of the top printers in our best printer guide last here: Best 3D Printer Guide 2023 | Hubs
The name is RhinoCAM
That’s a tricky question. I am not sure if Zbrush can export in a file format suitable for CNC machining. STLs are not compatible with CNC and you might loose resolution when you covert an STL into a STEP or IGS file (which most CNC machines like). I know that Fusion 360 also has a surface modelin…
I found an old post that seemed to describe a similar problem. You might find it useful:
Are all other stepper motors working properly? Double check that the pins are connected properly.
We are working on this for a new feature of the website. Dedicated material articles will also be coming out soon.
Hello TypeR, Thank you for your feedback. This kind of interaction is very useful and please do comment again in the future, so that we can write better articles. So let’s see explore your comment. Here I found 2 data sheets with mechanical tests of 3d printed parts: ABS:…