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Jan 2016

Hi everyone!

I have Cubify Cube 3 and also Cubify Sense scanner. I’m pretty happy with both gadget but I have struggles with the softwares.

My biggest problem is, the printer software cannot read some, but only some, stl files which can be read by Cubify Sculpt. I use Catia to design my stuff and save as stl, and it cannot read the files generated by Catia, however it can read genuine files created by Sculp. And again, if I try open an stl file which created by Catia with Sculpt and resave, it doesn’t work either.

Does anyone else experience such problem?

Edit Post:

Well, thanks to everyone who put effort for my question, and here is where I get so long:

This problem first occured after 3.4 upgrade of the software but also it was a coincidence that I first time tried to print a Catia modified 3d scan file to print (I cut the arm scan into pieces to fit print volume)

I tried several different things I figured out by your helps, tried different stl generation processes no help, tried getting smaller slices so smaller files no help, and finally I tried to upload on website and Voi La! It just uploaded and synced the file perfectly and you can see what I got now.

So the problem is, Cubify is decided to steal every bit of printed documents in their cloud, even if you don’t want to share it anyone including the company. Now fraudulently have to give your designs to cloud system I suppose. It works like, if the sync time took so long, software says “cannot read” if you are logged out on software and the file is bigger than 1-1.5mb, it says “cannot read”.

So far, it seems we have a rip-off of ideas and designs here.

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    Jan '16
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    Jan '16
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I have a Cube 3 as well and although I don’t use Catia, I have received some files that would not print. I’ve had some success with Autodesk Meshmixer or even opening in Simplify3D (which I almost always do) and exporting a new .stl file.

If you want to send me a file, I can try printing with my Cube to rule out any firmware/software issues. If I can’t print it, then I can run it through Meshmixer and S3D and try again.

Thanks Julie. I can send you a couple of files that are not genuinely produced in Catia, but modified with Catia then saved as stl, one that I can print, and one that I cannot, so maybe we can find out why is it happening.

Hi again Julie,

Here are two stl file,

First araparca3d.stl which is designed on rhino, transfered to catia as stp, then saved as stl, readed and printed flawlessly by my printer “Martian”.

And second, hand1.stl, model of my darlings hand scanned with Sense, imported to catia, processed into solid part and saved as stl, which could not read by printer software. However no problem with Cubify Sculpt.

Thanks for your help.
hand1.stl 5 (6.51 MB)
araparca3d.stl 3 (1.03 MB)


I have a Cube 2 but never faced such issue with STL file reading, I use CATIA too as Modeling tool.

However, did you try to inspect the STL files with CATIA ? (using DSE or QSR, I hove you have those products).

Because you can generate Volumes or Surfaces with CATIA perhaps the issue is there ?

Hope this helps.

Hi, Yes I tried surfaces, closed surfaces, solids, machining > rapid stl module and all. No solution. My problem is not about getting designs from Catia to cubify, but why I succeed on some files and why fail on some. I found some other people having similar errors, they suggest it could be about syncing with cubify cloud. I’ll test it. By the way, I’m using cubify v3.4 on win 8.1 64bit

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I hadn’t used my cube in almost 2 weeks and it forced me to update to 3.4.

I imported your hand1.stl into Cubify and it is printing now without any problems. I made no changes to this file at all other than import the .stl from you, create the .cube3 through Cubify, and print it through the USB key. Were you able to get it to start printing, or did it fail before it would print?

I will upload the cube3 file that I am printing shortly.