If it’s for a wedding cake I think the best think would be to dress the couple as Han and Leia and 3D scan them. You will get a precise 3D model and you will be able to 3D print them. Of course, this is the fancy option, but as a wedding only takes place once (or that’s the idea), I would do it that way.
I love your Boba Fett rifle! Upvoted!
Han Solo’s DL44 from Star Wars: A New Hope
Every smuggler’s trusty sidearm! I poured hundreds of hours researching screengrabs and Lucasfilm archive photos to capture the detail to the best of my ability. My favorite aspects are that the hammer can be rotated back and forth, magazine can be unloaded, a spring can be added to make a functional trigger, and the model is printed in parts to maximize detail and ease of paint. Tech-savvy makers can take advantage of the space in the handgrip, body, and barrel to fit in electronics for light and sound effects. The render shows an ideal paint job, but I only have a raw print at the moment. I hope you have as much fun as I do with this model! The 34 .stl files are available on YouMagine:
Hey, when you pay such a premium price, you expect no less
@pherkan You should check this out!
This one is great!
Looks super cool, and a great cause too!
I’ve been checking your work since I got my first 3D printer, and the way your models were displayed was so professional (especially the box!) I got confused more than once thinking it was an official product. You’ve got my vote!
Hi All, this is my pencil top (Obi Wan) pencil top design. I hope you gonna like it!
Please find my KyloRen pencil top design. I hope you like it!
This is not my design, however I thought this may be a good place to share the an outstanding example of what can be done with the 3dhubs community. I printed this for a customer from 3d hubs on our replicator 2, and our client did an amazing job of the finishing the model.
So let this be motivation for all the contest entrants, and makers alike.
Hi Everyone.
I designed this Rebel X-wing pilot helmet for Star Wars secret cinema last summer, please excuse the rough finish I was on a pretty tight time scale.
I hope you like it.
P.S. it was my excuse to build my Prusa i3, I’m sure it would be much nicer from an Ultimaker
You can download the models from youmagine here: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/rebel-x-wing-pilot-helmet 5
Here is a bust of a Duras species I designed in Sculptris. These characters were in several of the movies (Mos Eisley Cantina), the Clone Wars series, and in Battlefront games. Andy-3 Plovers Studios http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1347711
Duros_Bust_3PS.stl (1.08 MB)
Can you describe the sort of pose you are wanting? holding hands? looking at eachother etc?
Can you send me your email and ill send a couple photos to give you a better idea of what I want it to look like? Mine is;
You can email me at geoff@hex3d.com
I don’t mean to sound rude but how is this a fair contest? You have an entry deadline of March 21 and most upvotes by then wins. Obviously whoever entered earlier has more of a chance to be seen and get votes. Whereas someone who say enters on March 21, well thanks for playing but you entered for no reason as you don’t stand a chance. Even people who decide to enter now they’ve practically lost. No disrepsect to flowlistik but he already won and might as well give him an ultimaker now as no one who enters later will ever catch up. This contest is flawed. Should be remade and adjusted so voting begins for everyone at a specific date after all entries are collected by entry deadline.
I think Edthomp makes a good point. I started designing my entry as soon as I saw this contest pop up and it’ll be about a week before I’m finished modeling and another week until it is finished printing. It would be a little more even if the submission deadline was on March 21 with a voting period lasting another month (April 21). That would level the playing field for everyone.
Definitely. Seems like those who already have had a star wars model made beforehand has a huge advantage because they can submit their old works. People who decide to create new works after seeing this contest are at a great disadvatage because it takes time to create something new.
De-entering the competition.
None of my things were made for the competition, I think people that create things FOR the comp should enter.
Yep, I agree, I am actually pulling my entries out. They were made ages ago, one of them in 2014.
I wonder why all these maker competitions are designed to be this way. Instructables contests always have a bunch of submissions of things made in the past. Maybe a better format would be to declare the topic and rules of the competition and give a month for makers to prepare their design before opening up submissions? Anyway, just my two cents.
Excuse me, I also participate in this competition and I also do not understand how you can have as many positive vote with a Dath Vader as ugly.
Obviously that you can cheat.
It is not possible that people do not see the real good job!
Good luck in spite of all
I thought this was wrong from the first day of the competition. Entries in the competition should be made for the competition.
I would like a good design competition (there are a few). I can do the design and have access to a printer at work (so I know what works and what doesn’t - but I’m not allowed to use it for personal prints) and would love to have one at home. So, here’s a contest for people who have a printer and they can win a printer. I feel it’s another case of “the rich get richer…” I can see giving away spools to people with printers - that makes sense, but not giving away a printer to people with a printer.
As a post-script - Yes, I enter every competition I can where I can win a printer. I just don’t have the opportunity to enter this one.