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Feb 2016

I think Edthomp makes a good point. I started designing my entry as soon as I saw this contest pop up and it’ll be about a week before I’m finished modeling and another week until it is finished printing. It would be a little more even if the submission deadline was on March 21 with a voting period lasting another month (April 21). That would level the playing field for everyone.

Definitely. Seems like those who already have had a star wars model made beforehand has a huge advantage because they can submit their old works. People who decide to create new works after seeing this contest are at a great disadvatage because it takes time to create something new.

De-entering the competition.

None of my things were made for the competition, I think people that create things FOR the comp should enter.

Yep, I agree, I am actually pulling my entries out. They were made ages ago, one of them in 2014.

I wonder why all these maker competitions are designed to be this way. Instructables contests always have a bunch of submissions of things made in the past. Maybe a better format would be to declare the topic and rules of the competition and give a month for makers to prepare their design before opening up submissions? Anyway, just my two cents.