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Jan 2017


I know the Z510 pretty well and I have the tool used to recap the septums (the part under the printheads that leak). For a school, I don’t charge for recapping. I charge five bucks per septum which is 20 total. The diaphragm and metal cap both get replaced. I also do a printhead service that takes HP 10 and HP 11 then cleans them internally. If you would like to know more about either process, let me know. I am somewhat connected to a limited number of parts. You never know what I might have on hand. Just ask me. I am limited however, to the Z310, Z310 plus, Z510 and Z810. Happy printing


Hi David

that would be great. I have a few leaky septums. How would that work to get them replaced. Is it easy to get them out of the machine and send to you? What kind of parts do you have for the 510?

1 month later

It’s a straight forward perforatet steel sheet with the area of the build chamber (5-10 mm less) It’s got a typical drawer handle on the middle. The sheet is 1,5-2 mm thick

Sorry no pic’s, just got home now :slight_smile:

Awesome I just wanted to know if it had, holes in it! Thank you!

28 days later
2 months later

Hi every body,

I have a Z510 too, that I didn’t use for a long time. I can’t find my ZPrint anymore (it has been thrown by IT guys…). The only release I found is 7.15 but the setting only proposes Zprinter 150, 250, 350, 450, 650 & 850.
I searched without any success to download it… :frowning: It would be really great if one of yours could share an old release like 7.10 or further.

13 days later

Hey guys, sorry for the nooby questions but how do you bleed the lines and clear out all the gunk? Im afraid I might have air in the spetum tank as printhead 0 is in overtemp but Im wanting to completely flush out each line. Any instructions or link on how to do this would be a huuuuuuuuge help

If the machine hasn’t had it done I would just replace all the lines. But to flush all you need to do is draw distilled water through using your purge tool.

Thanks for the reply. What is the purge tool and how does it look like? I don’t think I received it with my printer.

Hi David, where abouts are you located? I’ve been refursbishing a z510 and the septum tank nozzles are rotten. They literally break right off when trying to pull off the tubing.

25 days later
2 months later

Hi,I’m very new to 3D printing and this hub. I recently got an old spectrum z510 and after weeks of cleaning I finally got it going. but now I encountered an error that I don’t know how to fix. It keeps coming back with error 2303 axis error. I followed the instruction but nothing seem to work. Does anybody know a way to reset the machine to default (factory) values? Thanks

I have some info here: http://www.charlesrivermaker.com/wiki/index.php/Helpful\_parts\_%26\_sources\_for\_material

I ordered new connectors on amazon and hydration bags that I hung from an aluminum rack that I attached to the side of the machine. I installed ink filters like these: http://www.ebay.com/itm/USA-10pcs-80mm-Ink-Filter-5-Micron-Resistant-for-Solvent-Ink-Printers-/322482154016?hash=item4b156f2a20:g:H3YAAOSwYXVYx6K4 16 between the bags of binder and the machine.

It seems to be working pretty well so far.

Thank you so much!! You are in time and super helpful with the answer. Especially with the powder advice.

1 month later

Could you please share a link on hp 11 print heads that are right for z510. And do they really need to be different color or it doesn’t matter if they are let’s say black color? How do they work?

Thank you in advance!!!

23 days later


If any one is interested in testing some binders I would recommend www.3dcolors.pl :slight_smile:

“canadapowder” these guys have the same cheap prices and even cheaper on stuff like clear binder and head cleaner. Meanwhile they look more legit

4 months later

I have zcorp 650 and it works perfectly , once i insert the ethernet cable and connect to the laptop the machine freez and i have to restart.

1 year later

I’ve z510 for long time and I give some break using the printer. Now I’ve started it and LCD shows only the welcome note “high quality 3D printer”. Printer isn’t working and not even responding to keys.it would be great if anyone suggest what can be the issue?

Plug in PS2 keybord and VGA plug monitor at the back to see what is going on. First thought stuck on BIOS setting or the BIOS battery is down.

Thank you for help.
What should appear on monitor when I connect it in vga plug? Am I supposed to give input through keyboard? If yes then how?

Like I wrote, you will se the BIOS starting up (normal like in every PC), if you are familiar with PC you will find on the screen some info. Probably BIOS battery dead. Just plug the monitor and PS2 keyboard and you will see.