You would be amazed at the number of folks that ask about that. I have my own reasons for why it is there, but suffice it to say I cut that boat on my large CNC machine.
Good for me @Filemon, although I’ll need to stoke up on coffee…
No, you are incorrect. Referring to a different hub, at this time, does indeed hurt your ranking. It affects your ratio of of archived orders to completed orders, an important ranking. See below…
This is more of my voice of the customer diatribe. If they asked US how to increase HQ prints, we could have told them to let US push orders directly to a partnering hub, wiithout hurting our rankings.
Instead they went negative…
I can’t find the actual posting here on talk, because searching talk can be a tough thing for me. But I think it was the same post where the 3dhubs person said they have to check with programmers to find out why a hub is ranked a certain way above or below another hub, that they could not tell how it was done.
You can view the statistics on the BETA rankings in your hub dashboard. I rank way above on reviews, response time, and every other metric than the top 10% of all hubs. I rank below on that metric, even though I probably helped them!
Ah, ok thanks for the info. I did not know that, but I suppose it doesn’t matter much anyway seeing as I’m not going to print orders better suited for someone else anyway. Definitely not a good way to foster improved print quality though.
I will be on the call.
But I ask 3dhubs and the hubs to continue the discussion in the open here as well, as will I.
Everyone here deserves to have their voices heard on this, as they are directly affected because the change is still up. Perhaps some others from 3dhubs can help with the discussion here.
I would encourage you to do the call sooner. A week is a long time in internet time. Google has this already. I would think you would want to head off some bad headlines that inevitably are coming on the 3dprint news sites and forums.
You don’t want to see headlines like “3dhubs redefines 3d printing as low quality prototypes” or “3dhubs decides their primary business is now low-tolerance prototype materials.” Or worse headlines, which I am NOT going to post here.
We won’t be able to make (that’s during business hours), but would like to hear how it goes.
That’s not cool at all. Is it time to check out other options? I’ve been here for 3 years and I would hate to leave, but what can we do?
I am all up for doing it anytime you can be available.
You make an excellent point that I had missed. This wording is incorrect. My FDM printers can actually guarantee much better.
It really should say 3dhubs can only guarantee a certain tolerance. What it really should say is something positive, like “3dhubs guarantees a maximum tolerance of +/- etc.” which is much more positive.
I think you understand the wording just fine, but probably not the reasoning. 3dhubs is trying to move customers from FDM hubs to higher margin printers. They made several changes to the site to do this, including the tolerances wording, a “let me help you choose a material” when a customer arrives, a “let me recommend a higher quality print” when the customer goes to complete the order, and labeling FDM printing as prototype quality with prototype material. This was done in secret, without asking us about it, warning us, or getting feedback prior to the print. They are doing this even to repeat customers. Their history on this, and their response in this thread would indicate that this is going to be the policy, regardless of what we say.
I agree that this wording is totally wrong. It’s both misleading and just flat out false. That’s not the highest quality FDM machines can guarantee, it’s what 3D Hubs is guaranteeing. I’m really starting to dislike this relationship of words being put into our mouths.
I like the automated messages system, but I don’t like that we still don’t have an option to change or set exactly what we want the messages to say. (Referring to the automated messages that post when a new order is requested). That’s just another example of tools that I think we should have at our disposal, but despite that being brought up several months ago (Right when that feature, another thing left unspoken between hubs, came promptly out).