Simplify3D Has actually released a really handy guide on printing errors like this : Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software 107
Make sure to check it out
@Arnoldas is correct, check the guide. Also your temperature looks to be off. It could be related to print speed or cooling. I’d recommend printing a temperature calibration tower to see if you can dial in a better temp for that filament.
Lower the layer ,15 mm or lower infill full honeycomb en outer layer perimeters 2
and oh try some different position an take a look at the previews, cooling can also be an issue.
if the last part are small print runs per layer you should increase cooling, you can change this in the coolingsettings
did you have good results before? How many hours have you printed?
I also print with a creatr leapgrof but I do not have this problem?
these are my settings: ABS, temp: 220°C, extrusion multiplier: 1, layer 2.0mm, first layer width: 100%, infill: 20% , outline overlap 15%
hi Johnsaen
it’s the same object but the final object( behind ) printing with simplify and the other(foreground) I make a slicing and printing with repetier I had the same problem I don’t have cooling system on my creatr
patrick i thought you where running with the simplfy slicer, ther you van adjust your fan speed per layer!
Hi Maarten
do you use fan to print with ABS?
yes, My fanspeed is on 60%
Hi Patrick
try to change temperature down to 220 deg and also I would say could be overhang issue as curves making makeing it over 45 deg
I would split those and print them on sides not like you have done
Let me know if its helps
Adam Malkowski