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Jun 2017

Not my intent to hijack this thread…but while QIDI fans are listening :slight_smile: when I connect to my QIDI via USB to my it is not recognized - at all. Meaning nothing at all happens (no new device recognized by the PC). My only way to use the printer is via the SD card. No big deal, just wondering if I’m missing something?

Also is there a guide somewhere for the Sailfish to fine tune the calibration of the printer? Lots of menu options that I’m not finding explained anywhere. Thanks, and for whatever reason Google doesn’t seem to like me recently.

Try disabling your firewall and Windows Defender. Then install the software. If it shows, but will not connect then Go into your Control Panel, and select Printers and Devices. See if your printer is coming up there. If not try installing a new device. Once it installs the new device look at “Printers and Devcies” to see if it is there. You might have to go into properties to select the com port. My QIDI Tech 1 was a problem at first, but I received help here. My QIDI Tech 1 came up on “Com 3”. Use “Replicator Dual” as the printer selection. The slicer type is the replicator 50, or something with 50 in the selection. I do not have it on this system, because I am at the Phoenix College Library.


If you haven’t you will need to install the latest replicator G software to get the driver to load, maybe redo it anyway. Do not plug the printer in until after the driver installs. Should go to port 3 or higher.

Then see if repG will see the printer. Select printer type as replicator dual 1 (not 2). Don’t worry about other software until repg sees it.

If not work from there.

Use USB2 port not 3 to start. Short cable and no hubs, extension etc.

There is no real calibration you should need to do in Sailfish firmware. Here is the manual and it will tell you how to do the calibration cube etc. this is really everything you need to know about Sailfish.


Also do not flash the firmware without first contacting QIDI about it. I believe they use a modified version of Sailfish and a flash will brick the board.

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OK I’m a numbnut. I forgot you have a Flashforge. :smiley:

You have the same quick disconnects as the Qidi Tech 1. Did your leads come with a terminal connector on the end that’s crimped on? If so, don’t strip it off. TIN THAT CONNECTOR! :smiley: Also, take the quick disconnect off from the logic board and plug it back in a few times to break up any corrosion. Don’t do like they do in this video and replace the leads while it’s still attached to the logic board.

Take the connector off, tin the crimped on leads on the thermocouple, then screw them back into the quick disconnect TIGHTLY. Plug it back in and you should be good to go.