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29 / 37
Jul 2015

This sounds like a broken wire in the stepper motor. Have you tried messing with the wires as its printing?

Don’t mess with the wires that’s a good way to wreak the stepper driver But it is a good possibility that the driver is already damaged. test the wires with a meter then Maybe swap the driver with another one

does it come apart? I took my nozzle apart last night (different kind) and thought i had it back together, but i was having issues with it not feeding, checked it while it was hot and it was not all the way back together, there was cooled plastic in the threads during reassembly. There was a space between the barrel, and the nozzle, which was catching the filament and not allowing it to make it to the nozzle. I disconnected the hot end from the “x” carriage and let it heat up to temp, and re tightened everything. Worked like new after that.


I had the same issue with my printer this weekend. Turned out the room was too hot! (because of this heat wave in Central Europe) The fan on my extruder couldn’t handle the job and this caused the filament to overheat and melt in the upper part of the extruder, causing a blockage. I started noticing gaps in my print and it got worse. When I extruded manually, it worked fine, because the nozzle only warmed up temporarily. When printing automatically, the extruder overheated after 10-15 minutes.

Then I moved my printer to the cellar (where it’s still cool) and everything worked just fine! Since you mentioned that the problem started when you moved your printer, I thought this may be related…

Hopefully you’ll find the solution! Remember, from every problem you’ll learn something :slight_smile:


Did you get this figured out?

A few other possibility

  1. Printing too close to the bed
  2. Clog in the hot end
  3. Clogged extruder hob ( eg bits of plastic in between the teeth )

Hi Derek,

Thanks for sharing your story!

It sounds indeed you had a heating problem.

My extruder heats up well - I got burned by it the other day ^^
