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Jul 2015

If it was jamed - manual feeding would also be a issue I think… No, my extruder does not make use of a ptfe liner :slight_smile:

okay, if this is PLA, you should be using Blue Tape… If it’s ABS, is the bed hot enough? Not directly related, I know, but just to clarify.

This looks like the Jr V2 with the Aluminium Extruder upgrade and I have worked with one of these for ages and they’re quite stable. Have you tried different sliced models? do you have some previously sliced GCODE that you can try and print with?

The first layer does normally print slower, but parts of the print look okay, apart from a little squashed and not sticking particularly well (which is why I asked the first question).

Run the GCODE command M503 and check the line beginning M92. The value for E should be in the 93-96 region. If it is, then the motor should be turning as it should.

Physically, check the screw is not overtight and the temperature not too cold. I normally make sure there is enough tension to provide friction, but not overly tight as the drive gear will start to dig into the filament.

A few ideas there, you may find more answers on help.printrbot.com 2 or by opening a support ticket if you get really stuck


1: As I said - I did this. I even added a new printer etc.

2: As I said - I did this also :slight_smile:

3: On my to do list

4: Cura doesn’t have a extrusion multiplier (?). Slic3er does though - no improvement.

6: As I said - did this also; both usb as direct SD.

This isn’t a copy-paste message ^^?

18 days later

I used a few old 12v computer fans to blow on the Printers to keep them a lil cool. They can get pretty hot on long prints. A small 12v and put the bot on some feet to allow air travel to pass under the bot.

Keep it cool,